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  1. GDP对财政的贡献率、人均城乡居民储蓄余额低于百强县;

    The GDPcontribution rate to the finance , and the average county peoples saving accounts are lower than hundreds of the powerful towns ;

  2. 通过岭回归和面板数据回归分析,发现教育投入受到GDP、财政收入、财政支出、居民储蓄存款余额影响较大,教育投入总额增长更受益于财政支出的增长。

    Through Ridge regression and panel data regression , it is found that educational investment is influenced remarkably by GDP , financial income , financial expenditure , and surplus of residents deposits , and that the increase of total educational investment benefits from the increase of financial expenditure .

  3. 我国居民储蓄存款余额高企的行为金融学分析

    Behavioral Finance Theory Analysis on the Huge Amount of Citizen Deposit in China

  4. 到9月末,城乡居民储蓄存款余额达到84139亿元。

    By the end of September , the balance of urban and rural residents ' savings deposits had reached 8,413.9 billion yuan .

  5. 最后结合我国各地城乡居民储蓄存款余额的数据进行实例分析。

    And this approach is applied in analyzing saving deposit balance of urban and rural residents in every province of our country .

  6. 全区城乡居民储蓄存款余额575.79亿元,增长20.8%。

    The savings deposits of the region 's urban and rural residents reached 57.579 billion yuan , an increase of 20.8 percent .

  7. 居民储蓄存款余额五年增长1倍多,股票、债券等其他金融资产迅速增加。

    The savings deposits of urban and rural residents increased by more than 100 percent over the past five years . The value of stocks , bonds and other financial assets increased rapidly .

  8. 6月末,城乡居民储蓄存款余额达到81712亿元,比年初增加8034亿元。

    By the end of June , the balance of the savings deposits of urban and rural residents had reached 8,171.2 billion yuan , up 803.4 billion yuan on the beginning of this year .

  9. 其次,我国居民储蓄存款余额在2004年超过了12万亿元,这说明我国银行已具备相当规模的金融资产来开展个人汽车消费信贷这一业务。

    Secondly , the surplus of household saving deposit exceeded 12 trillion RMB in 2004 , which shows that the banks have capacity of developing this kind of business with considerable scale of financial assets .

  10. 城乡居民人民币储蓄存款余额由4.6万亿元增加到8.7万亿元。

    The balance of savings deposits of urban and rural residents rose from 4.6 trillion Yuan to 8.7 trillion Yuan .

  11. 截止2003年2月末,我国居民本外币储蓄存款余额达10.03万亿元,这一前所未有的金融现象引起了社会上的激烈争论。

    By the end of February 2003 , Chinese citizens ' savings had reached 10.03 trillion RMB . This unprecedented financial phenomenon aroused hot discussions all over the country .