
  • 网络Household Saving;savings;personal saving
  1. 利用GARCH(1,1)讨论了上证指数上涨对居民储蓄的影响。

    GARCH ( 1,1 ) was used to discuss the influence of Index of Shanghai Stock Market on the household saving .

  2. 中国居民储蓄和收入关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Household Saving and Income in China

  3. 我国居民储蓄与GDP增长相关性分析

    The Correlative Analysis of China 's Resident Saving and Economic Growth

  4. 因此提出在政策上应谨慎看待我国居民储蓄与GDP增长之间的正相关关系。

    Hence , we must be cautious of the positive correlation between resident savings and GDP growth in policy .

  5. 基于Granger因果关系检验的居民储蓄影响因素分析

    Analysis the Factors of Household Savings Based on Theory of Granger Causation

  6. GDP对财政的贡献率、人均城乡居民储蓄余额低于百强县;

    The GDPcontribution rate to the finance , and the average county peoples saving accounts are lower than hundreds of the powerful towns ;

  7. 在这样的政策背景下,居民储蓄又相对稳定,从而导致金融发展水平指标的变动与GDP反方向变动。

    In such a policy background , savings and relatively stable , resulting in financial development level indicator changes with GDP change in opposite directions .

  8. 二是分析收入对居民储蓄的影响,通过建立GDP与储蓄余额的自回归分布滞后模型,分析储蓄与经济增长的关系;

    In comparison with national economic development , to analyse the relationship between savings and economic growth by setting up the ADL mode of GDP and savings ;

  9. 影响我国国债发行规模的最重要因素是居民储蓄、GDP、国债还本付息额和财政赤字。

    The most important factor that influences the size of public debt is dweller 's savings , GDP , repayment of capital and interest of public debt , financial deficit .

  10. 通过分析得出,影响我国国债规模最关键的因素是GDP增量、居民储蓄规模,而且我国国债规模与GDP增量、居民储蓄规模存在正相关。居民储蓄分流问题新视角:储蓄替代型证券

    The models indicate that the key factors to influence the scale of China 's government bond scale are GDP increment and scale of personal deposits . New Angle of Personal Deposits Distributary : the Securities which Substituted Saving

  11. 不同于英美等国家,我国一直维持着非常高的居民储蓄率,而且,储蓄率一直在上升(ModiglianiandCao,2004)。

    Different from Britain and other countries , China has maintained a very high household savings rate . Moreover , the savings rate has been rising ( Modigliani and Cao , 2004 ) .

  12. 通过岭回归和面板数据回归分析,发现教育投入受到GDP、财政收入、财政支出、居民储蓄存款余额影响较大,教育投入总额增长更受益于财政支出的增长。

    Through Ridge regression and panel data regression , it is found that educational investment is influenced remarkably by GDP , financial income , financial expenditure , and surplus of residents deposits , and that the increase of total educational investment benefits from the increase of financial expenditure .

  13. 股票需求主要受资金供给的影响,与经济增长的关联度不高,对实际利率和和名义利率不敏感,M0和居民储蓄存款分别对股票需求有显著的正效用和负效用。

    Demand of stocks is mainly affected by money supply , but has not high correlation with economic growth and is not sensitive with the real or nominal interest rates . M0 has significant positive effects , and savings deposits have negative effects on the stock demand .

  14. 江苏农村居民储蓄研究

    A Study on the Savings of Rural Householders in Jiangsu Province

  15. 行为金融学视角中的中国居民储蓄

    The Saving Behavior of the Chinese Residents Explained by Behavioral Finance

  16. 居民储蓄存款的迅速增长及其对国民经济发展的影响

    The Rapid Growth of Savings Deposits by Residents and Its Influences

  17. 我国居民储蓄对收入的敏感性分析

    The Analysis on Sensitivity of Residential Savings to Incomes in China

  18. 我国居民储蓄函数及其误差修正模型

    A Function of Residents'Deposits in China and its Error Correction Model

  19. 我国居民储蓄存款误差修正模型与分析

    A Study on Chinese Resident Savings Deposits Using Error Correction Model

  20. 另一方面,居民储蓄愿望强烈,储蓄存款迅猛增长,一路攀升。

    On the other hand , the household saving deposit increases quickly .

  21. 因此中国在居民储蓄机构化方面的发展潜力巨大。

    Thus there is a huge potential unrealized for institutionalizing household savings .

  22. 四川省人口转变的居民储蓄效应分析

    Sichuan Changes in the Population Analysis of the Effects of Household Savings

  23. 对我国居民储蓄超常增长的理性思考

    Discussion on unusual growth of residents ' savings of China

  24. 居民储蓄率下行的背后

    Background for the fall of residents , saving up rate

  25. 居民储蓄分流问题新视角:储蓄替代型证券

    New Angle of Personal Deposits Distributary : the Securities which Substituted Saving

  26. 浙江省城乡居民储蓄存款实证分析

    Demonstration Analysis on Zhejiang Province Urban and Rural Residents Savings

  27. 居民储蓄、消费行为及其效用分析

    Analysis of Residents ' Saving , Consumption and Its Utility

  28. 中国居民储蓄动机和运用流向分析

    Analysis on Chinese Household Savings Behavior and Application Flow Direction

  29. 我国城乡居民储蓄决定因素及现实意义

    Decisive Factors for Saving Deposits From Urban and Rural Citizens and Their Significance

  30. 分析我国居民储蓄快速增长的经济和体制等原因;

    Analyzed the causes of the fast growth of household savings in China ;