
  • 网络Transaction Deposit
  1. 对疑似不法或显属异常交易之存款账户,得予暂停存入或提领、汇出款项。

    Where a deposit account is suspected of illegality or an obviously irregular transaction , a bank may temporarily suspend deposits , withdrawals , or outward remittances of funds .

  2. 两三年前,美国总统奥巴马(Obama)邀请他加入他的金融改革团队后,沃尔克发起了一场改革,将银行自营交易业务与存款业务分离。

    A couple of years ago , President Obama invited him into his financial reform team , where he launched a crusade to split up banks ' proprietary trading businesses from deposit taking .

  3. 该法案规定美联储可以对交易账户和定期存款账户分别制定最高18%和9%的准备金率。

    This legislation allowed the Fed to set a reserve ratio of up to 18 per cent on transactions balances and 9 per cent on time deposits .

  4. 替代方法可能是类似于“完成交易”的用例,其中“交易”是存款或取款操作。

    The alternative would be something like " perform a transaction ," where " transaction " was either a deposit or withdrawal operation .

  5. 尽管对于绝大部分交易,小孩都能完全独立地使用银行,有些交易(存款和贷款)需要家长/银行主管人的批准才能完成。

    Though , for the most part , kids can use the bank entirely on their own , some transactions ( deposits and loans ) require parent / bank officer approval before they can be completed .