
  • 网络trading margin;Trade Margin;security deposit;margin trading;Trade Kicker
  1. 会员开仓时,交易所应按开仓合约占用的保证金,借记“应付保证金结算准备金”科目,贷记“应付保证金交易保证金”科目。

    When the a member opens position , the exchanges shall debit the title of " earnest money payablepayable margin provisions for settlement " and credit the title of " earnest money payablepayable margin trade kicker " according to the earnest moneymargins occupied by the contract of opening position .

  2. 由于安东尼本人希望留在纽约,因此想交易他并不容易,况且他的合同中还有着不可交易条款以及交易保证金。

    While trading Anthony is difficult given his desire to remain in New York , his no-trade clause and his contract 's trade kicker ,

  3. CMS的交易保证金政策要求客户帐户在任何时间均保持适当的交易保证金。

    Margin . CMS 's margin policies require that Client 's account be properly margined at all times .

  4. 通过实证分析,得出根据VaR方法计算风险值确定的交易保证金比例能及时反映期货市场价格风险的变动情况。

    Through demonstration we can conclude that the ration set accord VaR method can reflect price changes timely , so futures exchanges can adopt VaR method to control risk validly in theoretical .

  5. 基于GARCH-EWMA原理的期货交易保证金随动调整模型

    Moving Adjust Model of Margins in Futures Trade Based on GARCH-EWMA Model

  6. 交易所按照买入和卖出的持仓量分别收取交易保证金。

    The exchange shall , according to trading positions , collect the trading deposits .

  7. 期货交易保证金比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Futures Contract Margins

  8. 本周中国多家券商还宣布收紧融资交易保证金要求。

    A number of mainland brokers have also announced a tightening of margin requirements this week .

  9. 如何确定合理的期货交易保证金是保证我国期货市场持续健康发展的重要组成部分。

    And how to calculate rational future margin is a critical part in continuously keeping the future market running healthily .

  10. 期货交易保证金作为期货合约履约保证,在保障期货市场正常运行过程中发挥了重要作用。

    The future margin which is a guarantee of performing the future contract plays very important roll in keeping the future market running healthily .

  11. 面对这一局面,交易所纷纷提高交易保证金,或是取消单边交易手续费的优惠来防止投机。

    Under this situation , the exchange markets all increase the margin deposits or cancel the discounts for unilateral transaction fees to prevent speculations .

  12. 结算准备金是指未被合约占用的保证金;交易保证金是指已被合约占用的保证金。

    " Provisions for settlement " means the deposits not occupied by a contract ;" trading deposits " means the deposits occupied by a contract .

  13. 最终将合约价格预测模型与波动系数函数相结合,建立期货市场交易保证金随动调整模型。

    Finally , combining the forecasting model of futures price and the function of the Fluctuant Coefficient and building the margin moving model for the futures market .

  14. 期货交易保证金之额度经调整时,期货商应通知委托人依受托契约所定期限缴交差额。

    When the amount of the margin is adjusted , a Futures Commission Merchant shall notify the principal to pay the difference within the time period provided in the consignment contract .

  15. 第一百一十二条证券交易所应当将收存的交易保证金、风险基金存入开户银行专门帐户,不得擅自使用。

    Article 112 . A stock exchange shall deposit in a special bank account the trading guarantee fund and risk ? bearing fund it has collected , and unauthorized use of these funds is not allowed .

  16. 股票、债券、贷款、抵押、交易保证金和有价证券&这是一个金融世界,里头没有容纳人类世界或是自然界的丝毫空隙。

    Stocks and bonds , loans and mortgages , margins and securities & here was a world of finance , and there was no room in it for the human world or the world of nature .

  17. 首先,股指期货交易采用保证金机制,并不需要支付全额股指期货合约的价值。

    First , using margin mechanism , stock index futures trading does not need to pay the value of stock index futures contract .

  18. 中国已经原则上批准了股指期货、股票证券的卖空交易和保证金交易。

    China has given approval in principal for the launch of stock index futures , as well as short selling and margin trading of stocks .

  19. 交易会员保证金不足的,应当在下一个交易日开市前追加到位。

    Where the deposits of the trading members are insufficient , they shall be added to the required amount before the market opening of the next trading day .

  20. 可在满足给定风险系数和置信水平的前提下,制定合理的保证金的收取比例,为期货交易市场保证金的确定提供了新的计算方法。

    It could determine more proper ratio of margin while satisfying the risk coefficient and the confidence level , and provide a new method for determine the margin level in the futures market .

  21. 中央政府也在严格控制卖空交易和保证金交易,只允许交易量缓慢上升,也只是缓慢地扩大批准规模,允许更多企业从事这些在它看来风险极高的操作。

    And Beijing has also kept a tight rein on short selling and margin trading , only slowly increasing the trading volumes and number of companies allowed to engage in what it sees as very risky practices .

  22. 此轮抛售导致基准的意大利10年期国债收益率飙升至远高于7%的欧元时代新高。其触发因素是,一家结算所决定提高针对意大利债务交易的保证金要求。

    The trigger for the sell-off , accompanied by a leap in yields on benchmark 10-year debt to euro-era highs of well above 7 per cent , was a decision by a clearing house to raise collateral demands for trading Italian debt .

  23. 在发达国家,央行希望维持低利率,监管机构应该考虑一些辅助性工具,例如提高股票、债券及期货交易的保证金要求,或提高商业或投机性房地产交易的首付款比例。

    In developed countries , where central banks want to keep rates low , regulators should be considering supplementary tools such as raising margin requirements on stock , bond and futures transactions , or raising down-payment requirements on commercial or speculative real estate deals .

  24. 对投机性泡沫的担忧主要集中在个人交易账户的保证金借款(margindebt)水平过高上。

    Worries about speculative froth are focused on high levels of margin debt in retail trading accounts .

  25. 交易商必须通过结算所来完成交易并提交保证金,使得AIG式的失败重演的可能性降低。

    The fact that dealers have to pass trades through clearing houses and post margin makes it less likely that the AIG failure will be repeated .

  26. 在期货交易中,保证金制度也是一个非常重要的制度。

    In futures trading , the margin system is also a very important system .

  27. 金融衍生品的交易特征是保证金交易,因此具有较强的杠杆效应。

    Financial derivatives trading characteristics is trading on margin , therefore it has a strong leverage .

  28. 我们一直为市场上稳建可靠之证券及期货商,提供快速的交易、证券保证金融资(孖展)及度身订造的专业服务。

    We are one of the well-established and reliable local brokerage firms which provide rapid trade execution , securities margin financing and personalized professional services .

  29. 期货交易的初始保证金实质上是为了保证按照期货合约条款履约的信誉存款。

    Periodic ordering The initial margin requirement on a futures transaction is simply a good-faith deposit to ensure performance according to the terms of the futures contract .

  30. 期货市场上一个重要的交易制度就是保证金制度,这也是区分期货市场和股票市场的重要特征之一。

    One of the most important trading system on the futures market is the margin system , an important feature of which is the distinction between the futures market and stock market .