
  • 网络Transaction Risk Management;managing transaction exposure
  1. 第四章引入在险价值模型,基于其基本假设与核心思想分析其在国际碳期货交易风险管理中的适用性,并结合GARCH理论,探讨量化分析国际碳期货交易风险的可行方法。

    Chapter four introduce the VaR model study its fundamental assumption , and analyze its applicability in carbon futures ' risk management . Then this paper uses GARCH theory discuss the mathematical method to analyze carbon exchange risk .

  2. 对经济危机下投资与交易风险管理模式的几点思考

    On risk management modes for investment and trading under economic crisis

  3. 中国金融衍生品交易风险管理的法律规制研究

    China finance derivatives trade risk management 's law regulation research

  4. 一汽&大众汽车有限公司汇率交易风险管理研究

    The Research on Exchange Rate Risk Management of FAW-Volkswagen Automobile Co. Ltd

  5. 有健全的衍生产品交易风险管理制度和内部控制制度;

    They shall have sound derivatives trading risk management systems and internal control systems ;

  6. 交易和风险管理流程的整合是有效风险管理的必要组成部分。

    The integration of trading and risk management processes is an essential component of effective risk management .

  7. 用以预防流氓交易的风险管理措施不仅仅应该是全面的,还应该是整体的、有机结合的。

    Risk management practices designed to prevent rogue trading must be comprehensive but also holistic and integrated .

  8. 在交易和风险管理部门内部,前中后台之间的报告关系必须分割开来。

    Within the trading and risk management organization , reporting relationships between front , mid and back offices need to be segmented .

  9. 其次,香港应致力成为衍生金融产品和大宗商品交易的风险管理中心。

    Second , Hong Kong should seek to establish itself as a risk-management Centre for the trading of derivative financial products and commodities .

  10. 该方案制定的目的是希望为企业提高关联交易税务风险管理提供参考。

    The objectives of the formulation of the program is to provide a reference for enterprises to improve risk management of related party transactions tax .

  11. 管理不到位不仅会增加对有效交易执行风险管理的策略的难度,而且可能对收益率产生严重影响。

    This loss of control not only increases the difficulties of implementing an effective trade risk management strategy , but can also have far reaching effects on profitability .

  12. 原因可能就在于公司面临着创收的巨大压力,有意或无意地忽视了风险意识文化的贯彻,也没有采用支持公司交易和风险管理所必需的技术手段。

    Companies facing immense pressure to generate revenue , however , do not always implement the risk-aware culture and implement the capabilities needed to support their trading and risk management operations .

  13. 随着我国股票市场股权分置改革的完成,股票市场的运行机制逐渐完善,股票市场在资源配置、产权交易、风险管理和公司治理等方面所发挥的市场机制作用越来越明显、越来越重要。

    As reform of non-tradable shares was completed , the stock market operational mechanism have gradually improved , The stock market plays a more obvious and important market mechanism role on the resource allocation , property-rights exchange , risk management and corporation governance .

  14. 期货交易需要加强风险管理

    Futures needs to strengthen risk management

  15. 期货市场是一个高风险市场,中国期货市场曲折的发展历程和频繁发生的风险事件说明,认识期货市场风险形成的机理,加强期货交易过程的风险管理是发展期货市场的基础条件。

    The future market is high-risk market , the devious history and frequent risk affairs illuminate that knowing the mechanism of the risk formation of Chinese Future Market and strengthening risk management is the basic premise to pro - mote Chinese Future Market .

  16. 交易所对结算会员进行风险管理,结算会员对与其签订结算协议的交易会员进行风险管理,会员对其受托的客户进行风险管理。

    The exchange takes the risk management of settlement members , a settlement member takes the risk management of the trading members , with which the settlement member has signed a settlement contract and a member takes the risk management of the entrusting clients .

  17. 第三部分是我国信用卡交易风险及国外风险管理借鉴。

    The third part is the risk of credit card business and control .

  18. 互换交易在电力价格风险管理中的应用研究

    Study on Electricity Price Risk Management Using Swaps Contract

  19. 市场交易业务风险的后台管理

    On Management of Back-office in Market Operational Risks

  20. 参与成本下的风险分担功能则主要体现在金融中介大规模地交易风险并从事风险管理。

    The functions of risk sharing under participation costs mainly embody through huge risk trading and risk management .

  21. 而且要有效防范股指期货对金融市场的风险,就必须对股指期货交易风险进行有效的管理;要对期货交易风险进行有效管理,就必须深入研究股指期货交易风险。

    To effectively prevent stock-exponential futures of financial markets risk , effective management of stock index futures trading risk is necessary .

  22. 商品互换交易作为新兴的风险管理工具在能源类商品领域正在获得广泛的应用。

    As a relatively new derivative financial tool , swap has been widely used in the risk management for sev-eral kinds of commodities in the energy field .

  23. 信用衍生品博弈中交易成本与信息不对称因素的影响我国商业银行衍生金融工具交易业务的风险管理

    Game Analysis of Credit Derivatives Transaction The Risk Management of Derivatives Transaction in Commercial Bank in China