
jīnɡ jì fēnɡ xiǎn ɡuǎn lǐ
  • economic crisis management
  1. 去年,经济风险管理在各个层面都遭遇了失败。

    Last year economic crisis management failed at all levels .

  2. 中国网络经济风险管理初探

    The Management of Network Economic Risk

  3. 基于中国股市实证分析的虚拟经济风险管理研究

    Research on Risk Management for the Fictitious Economy Based on Demonstration Analysis to China 's Stock Market

  4. 最后部分是虚拟经济风险管理的结论和对未来的展望,笔者在前四部分的基础上提出了完善我国虚拟经济风险管理的七点结论,并认为我国虚拟经济的发展前景无限光明!

    At the last part of this paper , the writer reach a conclusion of improving domestic risk management for fictitious economy that seven suggestions should be taken , and predict our country 's fictitious economy a bright future !

  5. 基于风险能量分析的经济系统风险管理研究

    Risk Management for Economic Systems Based on Risk Energy Analysis

  6. 市场营销,财务管理,运营管理,工程经济,风险管理。

    Marketing Management , Finance Management , Operation Management , Engineering Economy , Risk Management .

  7. 分析得出项目的风险主要体现在法律风险、市场风险、经济风险、管理风险上,并就这四项风险的应对措施进行了阐述。

    We analyze that risks of the project mainly lie in legal risks , market risks , economic risks and management risks , measures of which are elaborated in the article .

  8. 决策者是我们的金融及经济体系的风险管理者。

    They are the risk managers of our financial and economic system .

  9. 期货交易的经济机制与风险管理

    The Economic Mechanism and Risk Management of Futures Trading

  10. 第三章:外汇经济风险暴露的管理第三章主要讨论了外汇经济风险暴露的两类管理方法:运营策略和金融策略。

    Chapter three discusses two policies to manage economic exposure : operating policies and financing policies .

  11. 农户亟需一种既可可转移、分散农业生产风险,又能分摊家庭经济损失的风险管理机制,而农业保险恰恰是农户规避风险所需的风险转移机制。

    So farmers need a kind of risk management mechanism to transfer agricultural risk and share the economic lost .

  12. 在一般意义上,金融体系的形成和演变及其地区差异应由金融科技的发展、社会经济效率和风险管理的特点和要求来说明。

    General speaking , the form , evolution and regional difference should be illustrated by the development of financial technology , social economic efficiency and characters of the management of risk .

  13. 文章应用效用理论来度量人们的风险态度,并将风险态度应用到建设项目风险决策中进行多方案风险综合比较、风险管理措施经济分析及风险管理方案选择。

    This article makes a probe on people 's attitude with the utility theory , and put it into the risk strategy of construction item to make a comprehensive risk comparision among different schemes , an economical analysis of risk management measures , and a choice of risk management scheme .

  14. 风险可能给人们带来巨大的经济损失,因而风险管理成为了国家、企业和个人的客观需要。

    Risk may cause huge economic losses to the people , therefore risk management has become objective needs of the countries , enterprises and individuals .

  15. 第四部分阐明我国商业银行选择基于经济资本的信用风险管理的必要性、可行性及具体引入时的管理内容;

    The fourth part expounded the commercial bank chooses based on time the economical capital credit risk management necessity , feasible and the concrete introduction management content ;

  16. 本项目旨在把专业性极强的投资项目经济评价方法及风险管理方法,通过先进的软件技术,融入到一个国内领先的软件平台中。

    The purpose of this system is to integrate the economic evaluation of investment projects and risks management methods to a leading software platform in China through advanced software technologies .

  17. 最后,依据基于经济资本的信用风险管理方法设计我国商业银行的信用风险管理流程,提出信用风险管理流程再造的具体意见。

    Finally , based on the economical capital credit risk management methods to design our country commercial bank 's credit risk management flow , proposed the credit risk management flow renovation .

  18. 在此背景下,系统而深入的研究电网公司在不同政策环境下可能面临的经济风险、据此提出电力系统经济预警和构建经济风险管理策略,就具有重要的现实意义。

    Given this background , it is of emergent importance to systematically investigate the economic risks encountered by a power grid company under different policy environments , build pre-warning and the management strategy for mitigating the economic risks .

  19. 银行是现代经济社会的核心,它承担着资源配置、经济调节、风险管理、稳定社会等诸多功能。

    The bank is the core of modern economy and society , which bears the allocation of resources , economic regulation , risk management , stable society , and many other features .