
  1. 因此,中国经济新常态孕育着一个正在崛起的国家拥抱新经济体系的宏大发展机遇。

    So the " new normal " of China 's economy is breeding a great development opportunity with which the country , as a rising power , embraces the new economic system .

  2. 引领经济发展新常态

    guide the new normal in China 's economic development

  3. 当前的中国经济步入新常态,经济增长进入了可控、相对平衡的运行区间。

    China 's economy steps into the " new normal " phase , as it is growing in a manageable and relatively balanced manner .

  4. 在经济步入新常态、增速明显放缓的大趋势下,中国经济更加需要依靠创新驱动。

    As the economy enters a " new normal ", and growth slows , China 's economy will rely more on innovation to drive its growth .

  5. 我们适应经济发展新常态,积极推动经济社会发展,人民生活有了新的改善。

    We worked to adapt to the new normal of economic growth and actively pushed forward economic and social development , resulting in further improvement in people 's lives .

  6. 经济发展进入新常态,精神面貌要有新状态。

    China 's economic development has entered a new normal , meaning we must adopt a new attitude .

  7. 中国经济发展进入新常态,将继续给包括亚洲国家在内的世界各国提供更多市场、增长、投资、合作机遇。

    This new normal of the Chinese economy will continue to bring more opportunities of trade , growth , investment and cooperation for other countries in Asia and beyond .

  8. 通过对基础设施进行投资,拉丁美洲、亚洲和泛中东地区的人民、私人企业以及国家都可为世界经济的“新常态”作出贡献。

    With investments in infrastructure , people , and private businesses , countries in Latin America , Asia , and the broader Middle East could contribute to a " New Normal " for the world economy .

  9. 国家新闻出版广电总局官员表示,中国电影业在2016年经济发展“新常态”下保持了稳定的发展势头。

    Officials with the State Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television ( SAPPRFT ) said the film industry in China kept a steady development momentum in 2016 amid the " new normal " of the country 's economic development .

  10. 前世界银行首席经济师兼高级副行长林毅夫称,随着中国经济进入新常态,今年以及未来二十年GDP仍有潜力增长8%左右。

    With economic expansion having moderated to a " new normal " pace , potential GDP growth will still be about 8 percent this year and in the next 20 years , said Justin Yifu Lin , former chief economist and senior vice-president of the World Bank .