
  • 网络Economic Diversification
  1. 即使是战略投资,也有助于推动经济多元化。

    Strategic investments , too , can serve economic diversification .

  2. 论单一资源型城市和地区的经济多元化转型

    On the Transformation of Economic Diversification of the Cities and Regions with Unitary Resources

  3. 自由贸易区是世界经济多元化发展的产物。

    Free trade areas are products of the pluralistic world economy .

  4. 长远而言,俄罗斯需要推动经济多元化,中国一名高级投资官员表示。

    Long-term , the Russians need to diversify their economy , a senior Chinese investment official said .

  5. 经济多元化咨询委员会

    Advisory Committee on Diversification

  6. 由于钻石储量的耗竭,博茨瓦纳面临实现经济多元化的艰巨挑战。

    In view of the depletion of diamond reserves , Botswana faces a tremendous challenge to diversify its economy .

  7. 鉴于薪资相关的动乱局面可能再次出现,分析人士称,柬埔寨面临着加快经济多元化的压力。

    With wage-related unrest likely to recur , analysts say Cambodia is under pressure to speed its economic diversification .

  8. 这些计划包括经济多元化,鼓励发展旅游业和对紧缺的水资源的更有效利用。

    Plans include a diversification of the economy , encouragement of tourism , and more efficient use of scarce water resources .

  9. 联合国贸发会议的经济学家指出,经济多元化和工业发展是应对大宗商品价格剧烈波动的最佳长期战略。

    UNCTAD economists say greater diversification and industrial development is the best long-term strategy for reducing vulnerability to commodity price shocks .

  10. 尽管与其它中亚国家相比,哈萨克斯坦在某些方面存在不足之处,但该国已施行了重大改革,尤其是在经济多元化方面。

    Despite its shortcomings , of all the Central Asian States , Kazakhstan has undertaken significant reforms , especially in diversifying its economy .

  11. 谭司长介绍了澳门经济多元化发展情况,指出会展业是多元化发展战略中的重要部分。

    Tan Director , introduced the development of Macao 's economic diversification , that is the exhibition industry diversification strategy an important part .

  12. 现在,最优秀的高校应当像它们多年来承诺实现种族多元化那样,承诺实现经济多元化了。

    It is time the best institutions undertook the kind of commitment to economic diversity that they have long mounted towards racial diversity .

  13. 在国内,普京经常谈及他信仰改革,渴望打击腐败、实现经济多元化。

    At home , Mr Putin has talked often about his belief in reform and his desire to battle corruption and diversify the economy .

  14. 由于油价的下跌,沙特希能望通过吸引国内外游客,来作为沙特经济多元化发展的一部分。

    It hopes to attract both foreign tourists and domestic visitors as part of efforts to diversify the Saudi economy , as oil prices have fallen .

  15. 主办国美国已经设定了正式议程,包括经济多元化国家和绿色增长的一体化。

    The United States , as the host nation , has set the formal agenda that includes integration between the economically diverse nations and green growth .

  16. 他表示:争夺全球人才的战争意味着,我们不能对那些能够帮助我们实现经济多元化和增长的人关闭边境。

    He said : The fight for global talent means we must not shut our borders to those who can help our economy diversify and grow .

  17. 在国际经济多元化、产业一体化与全球化的今天,世界各国各地区之间经济关联日益复杂,使得一个国家或地区经济的对外开放度与该国或地区的经济紧密性越来越大。

    In the international diversification of economy , industrial integration and globalization , the relationship between opening up and its own economy in all countries and regions becomes tighter and tighter .

  18. 最后,对某种资金流入的管制,还可能不利于增长和经济多元化所需的其它类型的资金流动。

    Finally , there is also the danger that controls on particular types of inflows could be a disincentive to other types of flows that are needed for growth and economic diversification .

  19. 近年来非洲国家采用经济多元化措施来应对非洲大陆经济发展水平所面临的挑战。

    Economic diversification is one of the recent measures adopted by African countries as a means of that will help address the challenge of the level of economic growth faced by the continent .

  20. 此举突显了阿布扎比主权投资机构不断提升的自信与雄心。这一阿拉伯酋长国正寻求利用巨额石油财富实现经济多元化,并扩大其投资组合。

    The move highlights the growing self-confidence and ambitions of Abu Dhabi 's sovereign investment vehicles as the emirate seeks to utilise its immense oil wealth to diversify its economy and broaden its portfolio of investments .

  21. 然而,面对市场经济多元化、信息与价值观念冲突的新情况和新问题,高校诚信教育存在着教育认知、教育管理和教育过程上的种种误区。

    However , faced with the new situation of market economy and the new problems of information contradicting to values , there exist some misunderstandings about the honesty education of colleges and universities in education cognition , education management and education process .

  22. 本文提出了稳定资源为核心的产业体系、营造城市的创新环境、培育新兴产业集群和加快开放为资源型城市发展的基本战略的观点,以及以就业、环境治理、经济多元化为目标的发展建议。

    This paper suggests that the long-term strategy for resource-based cities should focus on three aspects : building a sustainable industrial system based on the development of natural resources , improving the innovation capacity , and fostering clusters of industry according with local advantages .

  23. 香港新上任特首梁振英说,他打算在五年任期内增加土地供应,作为实现香港经济多元化整体方案的一部分。目前金融业和旅游业主导了香港经济。

    Hong Kong 's newly sworn in leader , Leung Chun-ying , says that he intends to boost land supply during his five-year term , part of an overall plan to diversify the city 's economy , which is dominated by finance and tourism .

  24. 其次对于利益博弈的产生的原因从主观与客观两方面进行了分析,认为市场经济多元化和宽松的法律环境为其产生的客观原因,而各利益主体的利益法律保护意识增强为其主观原因。

    Followed by the causes for the interests of the game from both subjective and objective analysis , that the diversified market economy and liberal legal environment for objective reasons , and the legal protection of interests of various stakeholders in awareness of its subjective reasons .

  25. 随着科技的快速发展,经济多元化的形成,物质资本不再是经济和企业发展的核心推动力,人的经济价值正逐渐被社会所认可。

    Along with the dramatic development of technology , the forms of economy become even diversity . Physical capital is no longer the core driving force of economy and development of enterprise , instead of it , the economic value of human is more and more important .

  26. 随着我国加入WTO,世界经济的多元化发展,尤其是我国安全生产法和相应的行业安全管理规程出台以后,在冲压机械方面我国需更进一步加强相应执法技术支持工作。

    Along with our country entering WTO and world economy diversification development , particularly after Safety Production Law and profession safety management regulations issued , we need strengthen corresponding technology supporting work .

  27. 澳大利亚央行(RBA)眼下正试图鼓励商业投资,从而帮助依赖自然资源的澳大利亚经济实现多元化,在这样的情况下,今年开出类似的猛药可能会削弱人们的信心。

    Similar tough medicine this year could undermine confidence at a time when the Reserve Bank of Australia is trying to encourage business investment to help the resource-dependent economy diversify .

  28. 所有制的变迁是导致经济主体多元化的根本原因。

    Ownership system reformation is a radical reason to pluralistic economical subjects .

  29. 实现经济机制多元化,大力发展可融入国际市场的专业设计事务所

    Cultivation of Professional Design Firms with Multiple Economic Mechanism and International Market Orientation

  30. 许多经济学家呼吁的一个变革就是经济的多元化。

    One change many experts call for is diversification .