
jīnɡ jì zhàn lüè
  • economic stragegy
  1. 致力于尽快成为世界贸易组织(WTO)的成员国是乌克兰对外经济战略的重要组成部分。

    It is an important component of Ukraine foreign economic strategy to forge close co-operative ties with IMF , World Bank and work hard to become a member of the WTO .

  2. 浅析建筑文化对实施旅游带动经济战略的影响

    Brief Talk about the Strategic Influence on Architecture and Culture to Travelling

  3. 一项新的经济战略正在研讨之中。

    A new economic strategy is being thrashed out .

  4. 中东和北非经济战略小组

    Middle East / North Africa Economic Strategy Group

  5. 论曹操的军事经济战略思想

    On Cao cao 's military economic strategy

  6. 模拟政治经济战略交互模式

    Simulation Political Economic Strategic Interaction Model

  7. 调整国有经济战略布局是国有企业改革的重大举措

    Adjusting the Strategic Distribution of State-Owned Economy is the Great Step of Reform of State-Owned Enterprises

  8. 随着我国全面发展经济战略的实施,交通基础设施建设正在全面展开。

    As the comprehensive development of the implementation of economic strategy , the transportation infrastructure construction is widely developed .

  9. 为适应国有经济战略重组的要求,对国有企业进行大规模的资本结构重整十分必要。

    It is quite necessary to restructure the state-owned enterprises ' capital structure at the requirement of state-owned economy 's strategic reestablishment .

  10. 第三,积极推行平衡发展的区域经济战略,缩小东中西地区间的差距。

    Thirdly , actively apply the regional economic strategy of balance development to reduce the gap among the eastern , middle and western region .

  11. 国际战略规划是实现国际战略目标的行动方案,它划分为国际政治战略规划、国际经济战略规划和国际文化战略规划。

    It can be divided into the plan for international political strategy , the plan for international economic strategy , and the plan for international cultural strategy .

  12. 其带来的区域竞争优势乃至国家竞争优势引起了世界各国的共同瞩目,纷纷将产业集群发展理念纳入经济战略规划。

    All countries in the world have brought the industry cluster development concept into economic and strategic planning in view of the regional and even the national competitive advantages .

  13. 国有股减持是一项复杂的系统工程,不仅关系到国有经济战略布局的调整、国企改革的成败,而且还关乎中国证券市场的可持续发展。

    The state-owned shares ' lessening is a complicated system , which will be crucial to the strategic adjustment of the state-owned economy , outcome of SOEs'reform and sustained development of Chinese security market .

  14. 实施这一空间经济战略既可促进西部开发,又对确保未来中国经济保持较高的增长速度意义重大。

    The realization of this plan could on the one hand promote Western Exploitation , and on the other obtain great significance for China 's economy to maintain a comparatively high speed of growth .

  15. 从国际经济战略层面看,经济全球化被说得过分了,要警惕它被扭曲成为少数发达国家企图化解多极化趋势,谋求霸权的一种手段。

    From the view of the international economic strategy , it is made an overstatement so that we should be vigilant to it as a trick of a few developed countries to seek hegemony .

  16. 尼克松上任后,国际局势发生了重大变化,美国开始调整对外经济战略,在粮食贸易上对苏联实施自由化政策。

    After Nixon taking office , the international situation had undergone a great change , the United States began to adjust foreign economic strategy , to implement liberalization policy of food trade towards the Soviet Union .

  17. 从理论上来看,振兴东北经济战略会对中国东北地区的投资环境和条件产生很大的影响,从而更好地满足日韩在该地区投资所需的所有权优势、内部化优势和区位优势这三个条件。

    Theoretically speaking , the strategy of revitalizing economy can impact on the investment environment and condition in Northeast China , thereby meeting the requirement of Japanese or Korean investors about the three conditions , namely ownership advantage , internalization advantage and location advantage .

  18. 它们的经济发展战略强调企业和市场的重要地位,而不是僵化的发展援助系统,只会不断索取。

    Their strategy of development finance emphasizes the important role of entrepreneurship and markets over a staid aid-system of development that preaches hand-outs .

  19. 在新的形势下应当如何认识和对待FDI,既是理论界的研究课题,又是关系到我国经济发展战略的实践问题。

    How should we recognize and treat the function of FDI in new situations ? It is an academic and practical question relating to economic growth of China .

  20. 基于MFA分析下的低碳经济发展战略

    Strategies for Low-Carbon Economy Development by Using MFA

  21. CAFTA价值链演进、南南竞争与中国经济发展战略选择

    Evolution of CAFTA 'S Value Chain , South-South Competition , and Economic Development Strategy of China

  22. 随着各国政府经济发展战略思想的转变,传统的国民经济核算体系(SNA)受到了新的挑战;

    Along with the various countries ' government economic development strategy thought transformation , the traditional national economy calculation system ( SNA ) has received the new challenge .

  23. 资金过剩条件下的经济发展战略选择

    Choice of Strategy for Economic Development under Conditions with Surplus Funds

  24. 新阶段发展县域经济的战略举措

    Strategical Measures To Develop County Economy In The New Period

  25. 县域经济发展战略的四点论

    " Four Key Issues " of County-Level Economic Development Strategy

  26. 吉林经济发展战略的艰辛探索

    The Hard Probing Course of the Economic Development Strategy of Jilin Province

  27. 生态城市经济发展战略的新选择

    The New Choice of the Economic Developing Strategy of the Ecological Cities

  28. 关于地勘经济发展战略决策中的几个关系问题

    Several relations in strategy decision-making for economic development of geological prospecting units

  29. 论新世纪中国经济发展战略的新思路&以产业倾斜为主导的工业化反梯度推移模式

    On New Thought of China Economic Development Strategy in the New Century

  30. 鄂港经济合作战略的思考

    Speculations on the Economic Cooperation between Hubei and Hong Kong