
  • 网络delivery;Delivery of Vessel
  1. 特此,我们举行HT073的命名及交船仪式;

    So we hold the Naming and Delivery Ceremony for HT073 .

  2. 现在,我宣布新韩通HT073船命名暨交船仪式正式开始。

    Now , I declare the naming and delivery ceremony for HT073 start .

  3. 交船前和还船前双方各自委派检验师检验。

    Prior to delivery and redelivery of the Vessel the parties shall each appoint surveyors .

  4. 深舱货轮经试航和测试后在A港交船。

    The DHCS shall be delivered at port A after due trial voyage and tests .

  5. 交船前怎样对船体外板进行油漆?

    Before delivering the ship to the owner , how do you paint the shell plating ?

  6. 交船时,出租人应当做到谨慎处理,船舶适航。

    At the time of delivery , the shipowner shall exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy .

  7. 而这一情况要么是因为租船人的财务状况不佳要么就是交船延误纠纷所引起的。

    But normally this is either because the charterer is in financial trouble or because of disputes over delays .

  8. 船舶制造从最开始的钢材预处理到最后的试航交船,需要经历一个长久复杂的过程。

    It goes through a long complicated process from the beginning steel pretreatment to the end of the trials delivery .

  9. 交船的时间及交船时船舶应具备的状况,还船时出租人在遭遇船舶损坏时如何用还船状况条款和装卸损坏条款来保护自己的利益等。

    Time and condition of the ship when delivery ; how to protect owner 's benefit if damages occurred on the ship when redelivery .

  10. 卖方应在预定交船日十(10)天前用电传或传真向买方发出本期款项的付款要求。

    The Seller shall send to the Buyer a telex or telefax demand for this installment ten ( 10 ) days prior to the scheduled date of delivery of the Vessel .

  11. 供方同意对深舱货轮的设计和安装予以质量保证,保修期自深舱货轮在船坞交船日起,为期一年。

    The Supplier agrees to provide a Quality Guarantee for design and installation of DHCS within a guarantee period of one year from the dates when the DHCS are delivered at shipyard .

  12. 模拟运行表明,各项数据完全满足规范要求,并且最后成功交船,完成了豪华游轮船舶电站自动化系统的设计任务。

    After a trial run , as all of the data fully meet the specifications and shipping vessel is successfully delivered . The designing of marine power station automation system in a luxury cruise is finally completed .

  13. 二手船买家获得船况一手资料的通常途径有验船、随船和交船时的坞检或水线以下的检验。

    On one hand , the purchaser can obtain first-hand ship materials by the ways of survey on board , travel following on board and survey in dry-dock or under the water by diver when deliver of the ship .

  14. 2003年12月的一天,三万吨级的运煤船新华江轮由于舵叶丢失而失控,北海救108轮对其进行了成功救助,并顺利将其拖至大连港交船。

    In one day of Dec. , 2003 , 30000 tonnage coal ship " Xinhuajiang " was out of control due to missing rudder blade , and " North China Sea Salvage 108 " tug salvaged the wreck ship successfully and towed it to Dalian harbor smoothly .

  15. 卖方对其出售的船舶须承担权利担保义务,即保证船舶在交船时无租约、抵押、海事优先权或任何其他债务,这在挪威买卖合同格式下被称作为船舶无负担保证义务。

    The seller shall undertake an obligation of warrantee , that is , the seller warrants that the ship at the time of delivery is free of all charters , encumbrances , mortgages and maritime liens or any other debts whatsoever . This is called " Encumbrances under NSF " .

  16. 世纪之交的船用柴油机

    Marine Diesel Engine Coming into New Century

  17. 卖方必须在装运港,在约定的日期或期限内,将货物交至船上。

    The seller must deliver the goods on Board the vessel at the port of shipment on the date or within the agreed period .

  18. 装卸主任安排岸上与船上货物交收。监督船上的货物舱载操作。有装卸设备的散装船

    Executive / Supervisor Arranges delivery of cargo from shore to vessel and vice versa . Supervises the operation on board of vessel . geared bulk carrier

  19. 由佛罗里达来的船只正在卸武器,并让武装人员上岸。装卸主任安排岸上与船上货物交收。监督船上的货物舱载操作。

    The ships sailing from Florida were landing arms and combatants . Executive / Supervisor Arranges delivery of cargo from shore to vessel and vice versa . Supervises the operation on board of vessel .