
  • 网络Contract deposit;Contract saving
  1. 与一般的民事合同相比,存款合同的最大特殊性在于当事人双方的意思自治程度大大受到了削弱。

    Compared with the general civil contract , the largest special nature of the deposit contract is the degree of autonomy between the two sides of party has been greatly weakened .

  2. 保险合同语言陷阱初探存款保险性质解析

    The Analyze of the Insurance Contract On Property of Deposit Insurance

  3. 银行的基础业务是吸收存款和发放信贷,其基础合同形式包括跨国存款和贷款合同。

    The basic business of the bank includes taking deposits and offering loans , therefore the basic contract form of international banking contract including deposit contract and loan contract .

  4. 存款合同的权利义务正好是存款保险合同的客体,因此,存款合同是存款保险合同的客体合同。

    The content in the deposit contract is the object of the deposit insurance contract ; thus the former is the object contract of the latter .