
huó qī cún kuǎn
  • demand deposit;current deposit;deposit money
活期存款 [huó qī cún kuǎn]
  • (1) [demand deposit;current deposit]∶限用支票支付并且不经事先通知即可提取的银行存款

  • (2) [deposit money]∶通过提款支票就可以用作货币的银行存款

活期存款[huó qī cún kuǎn]
  1. 我行有定活两便、通知存款和活期存款。

    We offer variable term deposit , notice deposit and current deposit in our bank .

  2. 客户与银行之间的活期存款合约在本质上属于货币存管合约,而非货币借贷合约。

    Current deposit contract between clients and banks are fundamentally monetary depository contract instead of monetary loan contract .

  3. 他算出了他们活期存款账户上的余额总和。

    He figured up the balance in their checking account .

  4. 我在国民威斯敏斯特银行有两个账户,一个储蓄账户和一个活期存款账户。

    I had two accounts with Natwest , a savings account and a current account .

  5. 转成付息的活期存款账户,并保持账上有余额。多数银行和较大的购房互助会现在都能开立这种账户。

    Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit . Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts

  6. 后来,1933年的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(Glass-SteagallAct)禁止大部分美国银行支付活期存款利息,以防范破坏性的竞争。

    The 1933 Glass-Steagall act finally banned all payments on demand deposits by most American banks to forestall ruinous competition .

  7. 其中最为著名的是美国的利率上限规定(RegulationQ)。该规定禁止对活期存款支付利息,这个规定还推动了战后第一个离岸金融市场的发展:伦敦的欧洲美元市场。

    The most famous of these , " Regulation Q " in the US , which forbade the payment of interest on demand deposits , promoted the development of the first significant postwar offshore financial market : the eurodollar market in London .

  8. 在流动性方面,上海股市今年的下跌,与中国货币供应量M1(流通中的现金加上活期存款)的同比降幅一致,后者自1月份以来下跌了9个百分点。

    And on the second , Shanghai 's fall this year about corresponds to the year-on-year growth rate in M1 ( cash in circulation plus demand deposits ), down 9 percentage points since January .

  9. 狭义货币供应量(M1),涵盖流通中的现金和活期存款,同比增长14%,在上个月末达到37.6万亿元。

    The narrow measure of money supply ( M1 ) , which covers cash in circulation plus demand deposits , rose 14 percent year on year to 37.6 trillion yuan at the end of last month , the statement said .

  10. 我想活期存款账户可以满足你的要求。

    I think a current account will be to your satisfaction .

  11. 你要开活期存款户头还是储蓄存款户头?

    Do you want a checking account or a savings account ?

  12. 活期存款利率保持不变,仍为0.81%。

    The demand deposit interest rate remains unchanged at 0.81 percent .

  13. 我们通常对个人提供活期存款账户和定期存款账户。

    Usually we offer current accounts and fixed accounts for individuals .

  14. 他没有取光我们共有的活期存款。

    He didn 't empty our joint checking account .

  15. 城镇家庭偏好活期存款,而农村家庭更偏好定期存款;

    The urban households prefer current savings while rural households prefer fixed savings .

  16. 那么我想活期存款帐户会让你满意的。

    Well , I think a current account would be to your satisfaction .

  17. 尽管一些储蓄机构也获得了提供活期存款的授权

    While some thrift institutions have acquired demand deposit authority

  18. 活期存款:指在30天以内可以提取的存款。

    Demand deposit : Deposits payable within thirty days .

  19. 活期存款:不需要事先通知就可收回的银行存款。

    Demand deposits n.A bank deposit that can be withdrawn without advance notice .

  20. 好吧,那就请开一个活期存款帐户吧。

    Good . I think I 'll open a current account , please .

  21. 拥有活期存款对于保证自己的财政状况非常重要。

    Having a checking account is important for keeping track of your finances .

  22. 您想开一个活期存款账户吗?

    Do u like to open a current account ?

  23. 公私存款中活期存款周转率

    Turnover of demand deposits among private and public deposits

  24. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。

    I should like to open a current account .

  25. 给活期存款户支付利息并非惯常的做法。

    It 's not usual to be paid interest on your current account .

  26. 通货,活期存款,履行支票,其他支票存款。

    Currency , demand deposits , Traveler 's checks , other checkable deposits .

  27. 我要从我的存款账户转账1000英镑到我的活期存款账户上。

    I want to transfer £ 1000 from my deposit to my current account .

  28. 我想开活期存款户头。

    Id like to open a current account .

  29. 存50美元够开个活期存款帐户吗?

    That 's it . Will $ 50 be enough for opening this account ?

  30. 定期存款利息要比活期存款利息高得多。

    The interest rate for term deposits is much higher than for current deposits .