
  • 网络large deposit
  1. 五年期的大额存款利息是多少?

    What 's the interest rate on the five-year large deposit ?

  2. 我们这里办理活期储蓄存款,定期存款和大额存款。

    We have current savings account , time savings account and large deposit .

  3. 那么,大额存款的最低金额是多少?

    Well , what is the minimum amount ?

  4. 资产规模在中国各银行中位列第六的招商银行说,其纽约分行将提供大额存款、贷款、贸易融资以及其他服务。

    China Merchants , the nation 's sixth-largest lender by assets , said the branch will engage in wholesale deposit-taking , lending and trade finance among other services .

  5. 新银行计划吸引的目标客户,是那些准备以相对大额存款换取有吸引力利率的储户,比如将最低存款额设在2万英镑以上。

    The bank plans to attract deposits from customers prepared to save relatively large amounts in return for attractive interest rates , for example with minimum deposits set above 20000 .

  6. 在美联储D规定下,该规定管理准备金要求,当银行在美国出售大额存款单时,他们需持有一个无息账户。

    Under Federal Reserve Regulation D , which governs reserve requirements , banks had to hold a non-interest bearing account when they sold a large certificate of deposit in the United States .

  7. 从投保人手中收取保险金后,保险公司将其投资于有息证券&如大额存款、股票和债券,以获取更多的收益。

    After premiums are received from insurance buyers , insurance companies invest them in interest-bearing securities such as certificates of deposit , stocks , and bonds so as to generate more income .

  8. 虽然我们无从知晓报道的准确性,但看来塞政府可能对大额存款执行较高税率,从而盯住来自俄罗斯的大储户。

    While we cannot know the accuracy of this citation , it appears likely that the government will tax higher deposits at a higher rate to go after large Russian deposit holders .

  9. 我们办理活期储蓄存款、定期存款和大额存款。住房公积金贷款实行存贷结合、先存后贷、整借零还、贷款担保的原则。

    We have current savings account , time savings account and large deposit . Loan of housing accumulation fund is executed put borrow couple , after be being put first , borrow , whole borrow 0 still , the principle that loan assures .

  10. 银行存款中人民币大额协议存款占72.1%。

    RMB account of agreement saving is 72.1 % occupied in bank account .

  11. 今年9月,大额外汇存款利率、外汇贷款利率放开,利率走出了市场化的第一步。

    The first step of interest market oriented reform has been made since Sept. 2000 , with the opening of the foreign currency deposit and loan interest .

  12. 昨日在华盛顿举行的中美战略经济对话中,中方谈判代表同意缩短外国投资者必须在岸持有大额资金存款的时间。

    At the Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue in Washington yesterday , Chinese negotiators agreed to cut the period of time that foreign investors must hold large capital deposits onshore .

  13. 经常听到大额或者协议存款,但是想问一下:多少才算大额?

    Often hear big or the agreement deposits money , but want to ask : how many ability calculates big ?

  14. 希腊银行高管说,周二储户仍在从他们的银行户头提取大额资金,但存款流出量少于周一接近7亿欧元的峰值。

    Officials from Greek banks said depositors were continuing to withdraw large amounts of money from their bank accounts Tuesday , although the outflow eased from Monday 's peak of nearly 700 million .