
  1. 随着商品过剩及零售业的飞速发展,零售商的买方势力出现并不断增强,同时处于行业龙头地位的供应商具有一定的市场势力,他们与大型零售商进行谈判博弈,其福利效果如何在理论界尚无定论。

    With surplus goods and rapid development in retailing , buyer power of retailers appears and grows gradually . While some suppliers still in leading position in their industry have some market power , they bargain with large retailers .

  2. 本周传来消息称,力拓与中铝已就联合开发几内亚一座大型铁矿进入后期谈判,这是力拓为修复关系而采取的多项举措中的第一步。

    This week it emerged that Rio and Chinalco were in late-stage talks to jointly develop a large-scale iron ore deposit in Guinea in the first of several moves aimed at healing relations .

  3. 曾长期作为特聘专家受聘于世界银行中国农村改水项目国家项目办,先后参加多起大型投资和贸易谈判。

    She worked as a special advisor with the national project office for World Bank project of rural water supply for6 years and participated in quite a few complex negotiations on investment and trade .