
  • 网络Equity Swap;Swap;commutative contract
  1. 我们交换契约后,搬进了新房子。

    We move into the new house as soon as we have exchanged contracts .

  2. 房子的买方和卖方办妥法律手续即可交换契约。

    When the legal formalities have been settled , the buyer and seller of a house can exchange contracts .

  3. 生态信用建立在人与自然的生态利益交换契约基础上,将其纳入立法是社会发展的必然要求。

    The ecological credit is founded on the basis of the contract for exchanging the ecological interests between the humankind and the nature .

  4. 论文重新认识了专利制度的本质,认为专利制度乃是社会计划者向潜在创新者提供的一种机密交换契约,其主要的功能是为厂商的投资行为提供一个比较基准。

    In the thesis , patent system is explained as an exchange-for-secrets contract that social planner supplies for the potential innovators , and its basic function is help firms to measure the costs and benefits of innovations and thus make investment decisions .

  5. 心理契约则是以员工一定的忠诚、创造力等交换经济契约以外的期望,如寻求工作安全感、公平合理的待遇以及企业支持发展的愿望等等。

    Psychological contract gets expectation such as secure work , reasonable treatment and enterprises ' help by loyalty , creativity of employees .

  6. 从教学角度出发,把教师的教与学生的学放在契约社会这个背景下来考虑,强调教学双方是平等进入、平等交流,甚至是平等交换的契约关系,这就是契约学习的方式。

    In this paper teaching and learning are put into consideration in the background of contract society , which emphases that two parties of teachers and students are equal in academic communication , where they are equal to exchange ideas with contract relationship .

  7. 该文介绍了Eisenberger等人1986年提出的组织支持理论的诞生背景,并对组织支持感受这一独立建构的概念,及其与领导-成员交换、心理契约概念的关系进行了总结。

    The paper introduces the birth of the organizational support theory ( OST ), developed by Eisenberger in 1986.It has been found that perceived organizational support ( POS ) is an independent construct . and different from leader-member exchange ( LMX ) and the psychological contract theory ( PCT ) .

  8. 人类中心主义和非人类中心主义从自然存在物的道德地位入手,来证明人是否有对自然存在物的直接的道德义务,这是一种权利和义务对等交换的社会契约论的思维模式。

    Through the moral position of natural objects , anthropocentrism and non-anthropocentrism try to verify whether mankind has direct obligations to nature , which is a concept of reciprocal exchanges between rights and obligations based upon Social Contract Theory .