
  • 网络price mechanism;price system;mechanism of price;market mechanism
  1. 通常,当供需失衡时,要么加大供给,要么调整价格机制。

    Normally , when demand and supply are out of sync , you either increase the supply , or you adjust the price mechanism

  2. 加入WTO后国际粮食市场对国内粮食生产波动的短期影响主要是通过价格机制传导的。

    The fluctuation of grain production in China will be influenced through price mechanism in international grain market when China entering WTO .

  3. 因此,对MBO交易价格机制的研究有着重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , there are important realistic meanings in the study on MBO price mechanism .

  4. 考虑到市场以被TaylorMade,Callaway和Titleist占领了相当长的时间,耐克当然会制定能够与之抗衡的价格机制以进入市场。

    Its prime retail space that 's being tightly held by Taylor Made , Callaway and Titleist for a considerable time . Nike certainly priced its clubs to tackle them head-on .

  5. 除遵守这些规定外,中国将优先援用《BOPs谅解》所列的价格机制措施。

    Further to such compliance , China would give preference to application of price-based measures as set forth in the BOPs Understanding .

  6. 面向市场化的商业银行内部资金转移价格机制

    Market Oriented Mechanism of Internal Capital Transfer Pricing for Commercial Banks

  7. 生产能力无限时逢低买入与固定价格机制的比较

    The Comparison of Group-buying Auction and Fixed-pricing Mechanism with Infinite Supply

  8. 双重价格机制下经济系统的运行研究

    Operation Study of The Economic System With The Dual Price Mechanism

  9. 债券的发行一般采用单一价格机制和多种价格机制两种招标形式。

    The uniform-price and discriminatory auctions are used in bond issued .

  10. 经济全球化的市场资源配置方式是国际价格机制;

    The market resource distribution manners are the international price systems ;

  11. 庄说政府控制将会扭曲价格机制。

    Zhuang said the administrative control would distort price mechanisms .

  12. 新古典价格机制理论发展述评

    Review the Development of Price 's Mechanism Theory of the Neo-classic Economics

  13. 建立有效的农产品价格机制。

    It need establish an effective agricultural product price mechanism .

  14. 从价格机制来看,有利于向市场化过渡。

    From the price mechanism of view , conducive to market-oriented transition .

  15. 我国天然气行业的垄断性与价格机制研究

    An investigation of monopolization and pricing mechanism on China natural gas industry

  16. 民航企业机票成本结构与价格机制分析

    An Analysis of the Cost Structure of CCA Fares and Price System

  17. 不对称信息下需求创新专利授权的价格机制

    Optimal Mechanism of Demand Innovation Licensing Strategy under Asymmetric Information

  18. 价格机制劳动价值说的局限和误导

    Limit and Incorrect Guidance of Theory of Labor Value in Price Mechanism

  19. 煤炭供求平衡的合理价格机制研究

    Study on reasonable price mechanism for coal supply-demand balance

  20. 通过征税和价格机制减少酒精需求;

    Reducing demand through taxation and pricing mechanisms ;

  21. 为此,我们在公平算法中引入了价格机制。

    To achieve this goal , we introduce the price mechanism in fair algorithm .

  22. 建立合理价格机制、促进水资源利用的良性循环;

    To promote the positive recycle of water resources by establishing a reasonable price system ;

  23. 逢低买入与固定价格机制比较研究

    Comparison of group-buying auction and fixed-pricing mechanism

  24. 基于契约安排频谱的铁矿石市场价格机制研究

    Research on the price mechanism of ironstone market on the perspective of contract arrangements spectrum

  25. 中国基本形成以市场调节为主的价格机制

    Market-Oriented Pricing Mechanism Basically Formed in China

  26. 企业收益剩余的实现机制则包括市场拓展机制和价格机制;

    For income surplus , including the developing of market area and reducing the product prices ;

  27. 其动因机制主要有三个,即逐利机制、供求机制和价格机制。

    Its impetus mechanism includes : profit-chasing mechanism , supply and demand mechanism and price mechanism .

  28. 改变价格机制;

    Exchanging the price mechanism ;

  29. 建立合理的价格机制;

    Making reasonable price mechanism ;

  30. 但由于森林环境具有显著的外部性,无法通过正常的价格机制反映森林环境价值。

    Forest ecological benefits bear obvious externality and its value is unable to realize through price mechanism .