
  • Adolf;Adolph;Adolfo
  1. 她帮着他们把阿道夫抬到灶间去。

    She helped them to move Adolph into the kitchen .

  2. 它的时间做了“阿道夫”它们。

    Its time to do a " Adolph " on them .

  3. 上一年,阿道夫森在一部戏剧里担任主角,当时英格丽在剧中还只是个临时演员。

    The previous year Adolphson had starred in a play in which Ingrid had been an extra

  4. 8月31日晚,阿道夫希特勒(AdolfHitler)命令德国军队进攻波兰。

    On the night of August 31 Adolf Hitler ordered the German army to attack Poland .

  5. 这艘豪华客轮上频频举办舞会和音乐会,宽宏大量的船长还允许乘客在令人不悦的阿道夫•希特勒(AdolfHitler)半身像上盖上桌布。

    There were dances and concerts aboard the luxury vessel and the indulgent captain permitted passengers to throw a tablecloth over an offending bust of Adolf Hitler .

  6. 夜晚已经来临,这是阿道夫?希特勒生命中最后的一个夜晚。

    Evening had now come , the last of Adolf Hitler 's life .

  7. 只要斯达姆和阿道夫不说他们不会找到她。

    They 'll never find her as long as stumm and Adolph keep quiet .

  8. 那个人就是阿道夫艾希曼。

    That man was Adolf eichmann .

  9. 我曾经站在阿道夫面前。

    I stood opposite Adolf once .

  10. 2009年新泽西的一对夫妇丧失了一名男孩的监护权,因为他们给他起名为阿道夫?希特勒。

    In 2009 a couple in New Jersey lost custody of a boy they had named Adolf Hitler .

  11. 25岁的阿道夫说:“我既高兴又紧张,这种感觉很特别。”

    Said Adolfo , 25 , " It 's an extraordinary feeling , of happiness and nerves . "

  12. 在20世纪20和30年代,丘吉尔时常表示对阿道夫?希特勒纳粹德国的担忧。

    Throughout the 1920s and 1930s , Churchill had often voiced his apprehensions about Adolf Hitler 's Nazi Germany .

  13. 汤姆和阿道夫,还有五、六个其他的仆人,被交给斯克洛兹先生照管。

    Tom and Adolph , and some half-a-dozen other servants were turned over to the kindness of Mr. Skeggs .

  14. 1941年出版的《美国队长》漫画第一期封面,刻画的是主人公挥拳猛击阿道夫希特勒腮帮的情景。

    The cover of the first comic , published in 1941 , showed the protagonist punching Adolf Hitler in the jaw .

  15. 阿道夫。希特勒的决定破坏了他与苏联领导人约瑟夫。斯大林签订的和平条约,而向苏联发动进攻,这让罗斯福最终下决心先对德国作战。

    Adolf Hitler 's decision to break his treaty with Soviet leader Josef Stalin and attack the Soviet Union made Roosevelt 's choice final .

  16. 一个美国零售商在顾客发现自家生产的茶壶酷似阿道夫-希特勒后,陷入了麻烦。

    Trouble is brewing for an American retailer after customers noted that one of its tea kettles bears a striking resemblance to Adolf Hitler .

  17. 当它长大一点,人们总问我它是不是叫阿道夫,它想不想征服世界。

    When he was growing up , people would always ask me if his name is Adolf and whether he wanted to conquer the world .

  18. 以色列的法官们,当我站在你们面前,带头对阿道夫艾希曼提出起诉时,我不是一个人站在这里。

    When I stand before you , o judges of israel , to lead the prosecution of Adolf eichmann , I do not stand alone .

  19. 不久消息果然来了一些,不过不是从海军来的,而是从宣传部的收听站发来的。这消息对阿道夫希特勒的打击是粉碎性的。

    Very shortly some news came , not from the navy but from the listening post in the propaganda ministry , and it was shattering for Adolf hitler .

  20. 琳达说,现在没有人再叫小狗的实际名字了。现在人们开始叫它“阿道夫”或“希特勒”,而丁丁也开始回应这个名字。

    She said no-one calls him by his real name any more and Patch is starting to obey orders - as ' Adolf ' or ' Hitler ' .

  21. 古斯塔夫‧阿道夫‧施罗德当时带了一台老旧的摄影机,用黑白片记录下了「倒塌中的新建筑」乐团等的演出。

    Gustav Adolf Schroeder was there with some old video gear and documented the appearance of the Einst ü rzenden Neubauten , among others , in black and white .

  22. 阿道夫•希特勒最后一位在世的保镖表示,由于年龄太大,他再也不能给世界各地的粉丝们回信了。

    Hitler 's last surviving bodyguard says that he can no longer respond to the fan mail he receives from around the world because of his advanced age , Reuters reports .

  23. 要是换成阿道夫•马丁内斯,也会一样惊讶。他也是墨西哥革命者,在上个世纪二十年代穿越了防备松懈的边境进入美国(从人口普查数据无法得知此次越境是否合法)。

    So would Adolfo Martinez , another Mexican revolutionary , who crossed the sparsely patrolled border into America in the 1920s ( whether legally or not is unclear from census records ) .

  24. 他把这些图像附着在法国画家阿道夫•威廉•布格罗的油画《天使》的图像上,从而形成一个新的图像,这即是我们看到的这件灯箱装置。

    Then he applied these pictures on an image of the oil painting named Le Printemps by French artist William-Adolphe Bouguereau , creating a new work , namely , the installation on display .

  25. 从去除装饰问题出发,本文分析了20世纪初维也纳建筑师阿道夫路斯复杂而深刻的建筑理论、建筑实践和文化批判思想。

    From the problem of removal of ornament , this article introduced the complicated and profound architectural theories , architectural practice and cultural critique of Adolf Loos-a great Austrian architect in the beginning of20th century .

  26. 三位和平奖得主&南非大主教德斯蒙德•图图、北爱尔兰的梅利艾德•马奎尔和来自阿根廷的阿道夫•法勒斯丘韦要求今年不要支付其120万美元的奖金。

    Three Peace Prize laureates - South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu , Mairead Maguire of Northern Ireland and Adolfo Perez Esquivel from Argentina ? have demanded the US $ 1.2 million prize money not be paid this year .

  27. 为了得到一笔大学奖学金,阿道夫复读了一次六年级。三年来我在学习上一直是个全优生,连续三年获得奖学金。

    Adolf stopped on for an extra year in the Sixth to take a university scholarship . In the past three academic years , I have proved myself to be a straight A student , awarded a succession of scholarships .