
  1. 在即将到来的几个月里,如果一切顺利,德国达姆施塔特市GSI亥姆霍兹重离子研究中心的ChristophDullmann将合成一个新的碱金属,即元素周期表中第119号元素。这也恰恰彰显了其同胞Debereiner的深刻洞察力。

    But it is a fitting tribute to Debereiner 's insight that , if all goes well , some time in the next few months will bring the creation of a new alkali metal , element number 119 , by his countryman Christoph Dullmann of the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt .

  2. 达姆施塔特市的警方说,他们在当天午饭时间注意到这名男子的怪异举动。当时,这名男子正坐在一家银行门前的长椅上向过路人分发钞票。

    Police in Darmstadt said they were alerted at lunchtime to a man sitting on a bench in front of a bank and handing out notes .

  3. 德国警方透露,在德国西部的达姆施塔特市,一名酩酊大醉的男子从自己的银行帐户中取出超过1.67万美元的现金分发给路人。

    BERLIN-A drunken man withdrew more than $ 16,700 from his bank account and then started handing out the money to passers-by in a western German town Tuesday , police said .