
  • 网络domino;Domino's Pizza;Domino Pizza
  1. 达美乐比萨在印度的业务由孟买上市的JubilantFoodworks运营,其去年收入达到162亿卢比,超过了麦当劳。

    Domino 's , which in India is operated by Mumbai-listed Jubilant Foodworks , surpassed McDonald 's with revenues of Rs16.2bn .

  2. 这款四轮机器人名为“达美乐机器人部队”,简称DRU,在本月初已成功完成初次试配送。

    The four-wheeled machine dubbed DRU - for Domino 's Robotic Unit - completed its first trial delivery earlier this month .

  3. 达美乐(Dachis)品牌喜爱度:-11%/排名:62

    Dominos . Brand love : - 11 % / Rank : 62

  4. 达美乐公司将于接下来的半年内在澳大利亚试运行该机器人,但我们要看到DRU在街道上驰骋可能还需要几年的时间。

    Domino 's is doing test runs over the next six months in Australia , but it will likely be a couple of years before we see DRU cruising the streets .

  5. 根据咨询公司欧睿(Euromonitor)的数据,2008年麦当劳是印度最大的西方快餐连锁企业,收入为66亿卢比,是销售额为32亿卢比的达美乐比萨的两倍多,而收入仅为15亿卢比的肯德基远远落在了后面。

    McDonald 's was India 's biggest Western fast-food chain in 2008 with revenues of Rs6.6bn , according to Euromonitor data . That was more than double Domino 's sales of Rs3.2bn . KFC , with revenues of Rs1.5bn , lagged far behind .

  6. 你以前没吃过达美乐匹萨?

    You haven 't had domino 's before ?

  7. 摩纳根于1998年将达美乐批萨的股份卖给贝恩资本,而法院批准的禁令不适用于达美乐比萨。

    The ruling does not cover Domino 's Pizza which Monaghan sold Bain Capital in 1998 .

  8. 快餐巨头达美乐公司研发出了一款可以配送热食和冷饮的自动驾驶机器人。

    Fast food giant Domino 's has developed a self-driving robot that can deliver hot food and cold drinks .

  9. 而且明显是货真价实的:达美乐公司经常与机器人技术公司合作,为军队研发装备。

    And it 's apparently the real deal : Domino 's worked with a robotics company that usually develops equipment for the army .

  10. 达奇斯说:2011年达美乐的品牌热情大幅度增长,但是2012年无法与之相提并论。

    Dachis says : 2011 saw a huge bounce for Dominos in brand enthusiasm from their brand relaunch which 2012 just couldn 't match .

  11. 研究人员研究了六个不同国家的麦当劳,汉堡王,肯德基,达美乐比萨,必胜客,赛百味提供的食物中的营养信息。

    Researchers studied nutrition information from McDonalds , Burger King , KFC , Domino 's , Pizza Hut and Subway in six different countries .

  12. 多亏一名长期以来负责送货的司机的关心,一位达美乐比萨的老顾客才能及时得救。

    Thanks to the concern of a long-time delivery driver , a Domino 's Pizza regular was rescued right in the nick of time .

  13. 据达美乐公司的员工表示,在过去十年里,48岁的柯克·亚历山大一直从俄勒冈州的达美乐餐厅订购披萨。

    According to Domino 's employees , Kirk Alexander , 48 , has been ordering pizza from the same Oregon location for the last ten years .

  14. 比萨连锁店也受到了冲击,达美乐皮萨去年第四季度的同店销售量下降3%,必胜客的销售量下降1%。

    Pizza chains also have been hit , with same-store sales falling 3 percent in the fourth quarter at Domino 's and 1 percent at Pizza Hut . 9 .

  15. 一名美国地方法院法官批准了一项临时禁令,允许一家物业管理公司不用为雇员提供避孕费用,这家公司属于达美乐批萨创始人。

    A US district judge granted a temporary restraining order , allowing a property management company owned by the founder of Domino 's Pizza to avoid providing contraception to employees .

  16. 自从上周发生事故以来,达美乐的员工们纷纷到塞勒姆医院看望老主顾亚历山大。马里昂州警长办公室表示,亚历山大的病情目前基本稳定。

    Since the incident last weekend , employees at the Domino 's have been paying their loyal customer visits at the Salem Hospital , where the Marion County Sheriff 's Office reported that he is currently in stable condition .

  17. 达美乐的经理向KATU描述了汉布伦到达时的情景:“亚历山大没有开门,但是屋里的灯和电视都开着。”

    The Domino 's manager said that when Hamblen arrived on the scene , " ( Alexander ) wasn 't answering the door , but there was lights on and you could hear the TV playing , " she told KATU .