
shì chē chǎnɡ
  • Testing ground;motordrome;car-test location
  1. 汽车试车场噪声影响厂界和居民住宅处达标,根据德国Cadna/A计算软件预测数据,采取大型隔声吸声屏障治理措施,在居民住宅处达到了环保要求。

    The noise of motordrome affected the factory boundary and residential area up to par . According as Germany Cadna / A calculation software to forecasting data , we take the huge barriers to insulate and absorb the sound as management , then roundly reached the requirement of environmental protection .

  2. 试错法;二汽室内试车场40m跨度单层穹顶网壳屋盖稳定性研究

    The method of trial and error ; Stability Study on a 40m Diameter Lattice Dome Roof Structure for 2 Car Test Room

  3. 上海市大众汽车公司新建试车场,部分专用路基高达6~14m,出于测试汽车性能的需要,对路基的工后沉降提出了高标准的要求。

    In Shanghai Volkswagen Automobile Testing Yard , a lot of subgrades 6 ~ 14m are embanked on the softground .

  4. 试车场高速环行跑道曲线型式的选择

    Determination of Curvilinear Figure for High-speed Test Circuit in Proving Ground

  5. 振动压路机试车场噪声与振动控制

    Noise Control and Vibration Damping in Test Ground of Vibratory Road Roller

  6. 国外试车场及其设施考察

    An Inspection of Foreign Proving Grounds and Facilities

  7. 丰田章男缩短了打高尔夫球等其他娱乐活动的时间,把更多时间花在试车场上。

    Mr. Toyoda has cut back on other pastimes such as golf to spend more hours at the test track .

  8. 然后将采自试车场的典型路面谱作用于轮胎与路面的接触点进行随机激励。

    Then , a typical road surface spectrum , collected from a real proving ground , is applied on the contact points between tires and road .

  9. 通过利用惯性测量装置的整合,由此产生的速度是非常顺利和准确的,即使你有一些树木和围栏周围的试车场。

    By utilising the IMU integration , the resultant velocity is extremely smooth and accurate , even if you have a few trees and fences around your test track .

  10. 上海大众试车场高速环道曲面施工本文结合交通部公路交通工程综合试验场的实体工程,介绍了高速环道的几何设计技术。

    This paper presents the principle and method of the geometry design of highspeed test loop integrated with the Test Field of MOC . for Highway and Traffic Engineering .

  11. 对压路机试车场噪声与振动进行分析研究,采取几项措施的综合治理,试车场的减振降噪取得较好的效果。

    Through analysis and research on the noise and vibration in the test ground of vibratory road roller , measures have been taken to lower the noise and vibration level and good effect has been resulted .