
  • 网络Test Area;pilot zone;experimental zones;test zone
  1. 喀斯特地区城镇化建设中的生态环境问题探讨&以毕节试验区为例

    On ecological environment in the town construction of Karst area & A case study of Bijie pilot zone

  2. 绥中36-1油田试验区脱气原油/水乳化体系流变及黏度特性室内试验研究

    The Lab Test Study on Rheology and Viscosity Temperature Property of Emulsified Dead-Oil / Water System of SZ 36-1 Oilfield Pilot Zone

  3. 北京市有关部门发布的规划文件指出,北京计划建设数字贸易试验区,以进一步推动技术创新及服务产业和数字经济对外开放。

    Beijing is planning to build a pilot digital trade zone in a bid to boost technological innovation and opening-up of its services sector and digital economy , according to plans released by Beijing authorities on Monday .

  4. 吉林油田CO2试验区数值模拟和方案设计

    Simulation study to design co_2 flood plot in Jilin Oilfield

  5. 现场化学灌浆前后的CT测试结果反应试验区坝基波速提高6%以上;

    The geology CT test results shows that the wave velocity increases 6 % at the site of dam after grouting .

  6. 本文以利用试验区TM影象为例,介绍了TM影象数据精加工处理的原理、方法和精度。

    This paper describes the principle , method and accuracy used to precision process-ing TM data .

  7. 利用GIS方法分析试验区内的廊道分布状况以及与各类景观之间的空间关系。

    Using Geographic Information System ( GIS ), the corridor distribution and its spatial relationship with other landscape types in the Jinta Oasis were analyzed .

  8. 浅谈克莱斯勒公司COS试验区

    A Prime Analysis of COS Test Zone of Chrysler

  9. 数值模拟和油藏工程研究相结合,对吉林油田CO2试验区方案进行优化设计,并对最优方案作了长期预报。

    Reservoir engineering research and reservoir simulation study were conducted to design and optimize the CO 2 flood project in Jilin oilfield .

  10. 该研究以河北衡水冬小麦试验区为研究区,使用全局敏感性分析方法分析EPIC模型在冬小麦产量模拟中的敏感参数。

    Sensitive parameters of winter wheat yield simulation in EPIC model were analyzed by global sensitivity analysis in Hengshui experimental area .

  11. 与此同时,由于强碱的使用,出现了高PH值下多价离子的沉淀、岩石矿物的溶蚀等现象,各个试验区都出现了不同程度的结垢现象。

    At the same time , phenomenon of sediment of ions in high PH and dissolving capacity of rock are also appears , different level scale phenomenon is arisen in every experiment area .

  12. 研究结果表明,试验区对CO2驱有较好的适应性。CO2合理用量为15%HCPV,最佳注入方式为段塞尺寸逐渐减小的改进交替注气水方式。

    The result shows that the reasonable total amount of CO 2 is 15 % HCPV , and the optimum injection style is suggested as tapering WAG ( water alternating gas ) .

  13. 利用试验区建立的GPS水汽监测网获得的近乎实时的水汽数据,采用模块开发和系统集成方式,研制了流域GPS降水预报系统。

    Utilizing the real-time water vapor data obtained from GPS water vapor monitoring net in the trial zone and adopting the development of the module and system integration way , the GPS precipitation forecast system for river catchment has been developed .

  14. 在IMAGIS平台上实现了试验区城市三维景观的可视化表达,并对IMAGIS三维景观建模软件中存在的问题做出了总结。

    Realized the visualization of city landscape in the test area with IMAGIS platform , concluded the problem in the software of IMAGIS .

  15. 本文选用G20井区为试验区,基于注气混相驱提高采收率理论,以油气藏数值模拟技术为研究方法,运用数值模拟软件,对油藏注伴生气驱提高采收率进行研究论证。

    Based on the EOR theory of miscible gas injection and oil-gas reservoir numerical simulation technique , this paper took G20 well area as the test area , discussed the oil reservoir EOR by injecting associated gas using numerical simulation software .

  16. 试验区诱蛾量为CK区的20%,虫口密度下降73.6%,寄生蜂存活率高达81.7%。

    The number of moth tempted in experimental zone is 20 % of the one in CK zone . The population is 73.6 % less than the one in CK zone . The survival rate of autoeciousness bee could reach the point of 81.7 % .

  17. 论文根据北京市水利科学研究所在北京市东南郊水资源试验区取得的试验资料,以0~3m土层作为土壤水库的界定深度,分析其对降雨的调蓄能力;

    Ac cord-ing to the information observed from the experimental site of water resources to the south-east plain of Beijing , the0 ~ 3m layer soil was determined as the defined depth of soil reservoir and its pondage capacity was analyzed .

  18. 在现场试验区,共注入激活剂17轮,累积增产原油2700t。

    In testing area the activation agent was injected for 17 rounds and cumulative incremental oil production is 2 700t .

  19. 北京房山良乡试验区的试验表明,Kappa系数为0.912,总精度为0.938;

    The experiment results of the test region in Fangshan county of Beijing demonstrate the accuracy of the classification and change information extraction are relatively high . The Kappa coefficient is 0.912 , the overall accuracy is 0.938 and change information error is 13.69 % .

  20. 针对宜兴试验区128波段OMIS-I机载成像光谱数据,在平原区、山区分区基础上建立多级分层决策树综合分类方法。

    Based on OMIS-I hyperspectral remote sensing data of 128 bands for Yixing area , a decision tree has been built for both plain and mountainous area .

  21. 试验区注气期间累积采凝析油7.0183×104t,凝析油采出程度达39.2%,比衰竭式开采的采收率21%提高了18.2个百分点,采收率得到了明显的提高。

    The cumulative production of condensate oil is 70,183 t during the gas-injection period in the testing zone . The recovery level of condensate oil reaches to 39.2 % , which is 18.2 percent more than 21 % of the recovery factor by natural depletion .

  22. 对两个不同试验区小麦产量(1855-1884年)之差的著名例子进行了计算,所选2阶多项式回归与运用AIC所得结果和Fisher-Yates判断一致。

    A famous example of wheat production for 1855 to 1884 in two experimental areas is computed with CSC and the selected polynomial regression with 2 orders is coincident with that obtained by the use of AIC and also in agreement with the inference by Fisher-Yates .

  23. 科学发展观与毕节试验区教育事业的发展

    Science-based Development Outlook and Development of Education in Bijie Experimental Region

  24. 从泉家沟试验区建设效果谈黄土丘陵沟壑区建设生态农业前景

    Prospects of Building Ecological Agriculture on Hilly and Gullied Loess Region

  25. 芳48试验区注气开发效果研究

    Study of Gas Injection Development Effectiveness of Fang Forty-eight Pilot Area

  26. 扰动与未扰动试验区土壤理化特性分析

    Analysis on physical and chemical features of disturbed and undisturbed soil

  27. 合芜蚌自主创新试验区的系统目标与创新设计

    Systematic Objective and Innovative Design of He-Wu-Beng Independent Innovation Testing District

  28. 安顺试验区各县(区)农业发展水平的聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis on Agriculture Development of Counties in Anshun Experimental Zone

  29. 数值模拟技术在柳林煤层气试验区的应用

    Application of numeral simulation in Liulin test zone of coal-bed gas

  30. 从北京新技术产业开发试验区看创新机制

    Innovation Mechanism in the Beijing Special Zone of New Technological Industries