
  • 网络Beidaihe;beidaihe district
  1. 总规划面积为687平方公里。分布在秦皇岛市的海港区、北戴河区、山海关区、昌黎县、抚宁县和卢龙县。

    With a total planning area is687 square kilometers , they are dotted in Qinhuangdao 's Haigang District , Beidaihe District , Shanhaiguan District , Changli County , Funing County and Lulong County .

  2. 从河北省和秦皇岛市的总体布局出发,对北戴河区现有的园林绿化基础、亟待解决的主要问题以及绿化工作的基本思路进行探讨。

    The aim of the paper is to discuss the existing landscaping basis of Beidaihe , find out the problems there and the solutions , based on the overall layout of Hebei province and Qinhuangdao city .

  3. 实地考察了秦皇岛市下辖的三区四县(北戴河区、山海关区、海港区、昌黎县、抚宁县、卢龙县、青龙县)农田杂草的种类、分布、危害及主要杂草的生育期。

    The kinds , distribution , harm and growing periods of farmland weeds in Qinhuangdao area were given on the spot investigation .

  4. 北戴河鸟类自然保护区有不少珍稀的鸟类资源,每年都吸引着众多的鸟类爱好者。

    Beidaihe Nature Reserve of Birds with many kinds of rare birds attracts lots of bird lovers each year .

  5. 市区包括海港(秦皇岛港),山海关和北戴河海滨三个区,为华北通向东北的咽喉要道。

    Made up of three districts , namely , the harbour area , Shanhaiguan or the Mountain and Sea Pass and Beidaihe , it is the strategic junction between northeast China and north China .