
  • 网络Test task;ED Experimental Duties
  1. 为了高效、迅速地完成科研试验任务,充分发挥数据的潜力,重点研究了数据挖掘概念及SAS数据挖掘系统;

    In order to finish the task of scientific research test validly and swiftly , this paper pays much attention to research the concept of data dig and SAS data dig system .

  2. 结合某带动力试验任务,对CARDC的4m×3m风洞带动力试验技术进行了改进,完善了单体试验(即校准试验)方法及全机试验时螺旋桨直接影响扣除方法,使试验结果更趋合理。

    The test method with the propeller was improved in 4m × 3m wind tunnel of CARDC , the means for monomer test was perfected and the effects were deducted on aircraft due to propeller power . The results are in accordance with the theories .

  3. 载人航天飞行试验任务中遥控计划正确性自动验证方法的研究

    Automatic Verification of Flight & Control Schedule in Manned Spaceflight Mission

  4. 第六章对雷达射频仿真系统的具体试验任务及试验方案进行设计。

    Chapter Six deals with the trial mission and the concrete scheme of the RFSS .

  5. 经纬仪是我国靶场测量的主要光测设备,占据了外弹道测量试验任务中的主导地位。

    Theodolite is a main photic measure equipment of the shooting range in our country .

  6. 在导弹、航天器试验任务的实时数据处理中,α-β-γ[1]滤波已得到应用。

    Filtering has already been used in realtime data processing for missile and spacecraft experiment missions .

  7. 日凌和星蚀现象预报方法及对试验任务的影响分析

    Forecasting Method of the Sun Transit Outage and the Eclipse Phenomena and Their Impact on the Mission

  8. 在靶场试验任务中,经常要用到地心直角坐标到大地坐标的转换算法。

    In missile test , the transformation methods from earth rectangular coordinate to geodetic coordinate are often used .

  9. 在航天发射试验任务中,手持式数字多用表仍是目前主要的电量测量工具。

    In the mission of spaceship launch test , the hand-held digital multimeter is still a major electricity measurement tool .

  10. 该软件所采用的方法在靶场遥测装备的分系统中得到充分的利用,保障了靶场试验任务的顺利进行。

    The method used by the software is fully utilized in the subsystem of range telemetry equipment , which ensures the successful performing of range experiment .

  11. 针对此次试验任务紧的特点研制了功能齐全的具有温度冷、热冲击的基本功能、并可实现温度测量和数据采集自动控制、具备报警功能的专用设备。

    Special equipment is developed to meet the test requirement with respect to temperature shock , automatic control of temperature measurement and data acquisition , and automatic alarm .

  12. 方法研制飞船返回舱冲击加速度测量设备,参加神舟3号、神舟4号飞行试验任务,测量飞船返回舱着陆时的冲击加速度,对获取的试验数据进行评价。

    Method A facility to measure the impact acceleration of " SZ-3 " and " SZ-4 " during landing was developed and the acquired test data were analyzed .

  13. 在执行航天发射试验任务期间,每个系统、分系统均会产生大量的各类试验数据。

    In the implementation of the space launch during test mission , each system , subsystem all can produce a large number of all kinds of test data .

  14. 含实物仿真实验表明,该仿真转台的整个控制系统具有很高的控制精度,功能完善,可维护性好,已完成了多种型号武装直升机火控系统的重大试验任务。

    This simulator has completed many key real-time simulation tasks of Fire-Control Systems for many kinds of armed helicopters , which shows the effectiveness of this new-designed control system .

  15. 数据库各表通过主键和外键联接在一起,其最基本的数据表是装备信息表和试验任务信息表。

    The tables of database are linked with their primary keys and foreign keys . The basic data table contains information table of equipment and information table of test task .

  16. 结果设备在神舟3号、神舟4号飞行试验任务中准确记录了飞船返回舱返回着陆过程中的冲击加速度值,获得了可靠的科学试验数据。

    Result The data of impact acceleration of return-cabins of " SZ-3 " and " SZ-4 " were accurately recorded during landing . Most reliable and scientific data were gotten .

  17. 近年来,我国的航天技术进入了高速发展时期,数目众多的各类卫星相继发射升空,航天飞船试验任务频繁。

    In recent years , aerospace technologies of China enter a period of quick development , different types of satellite had been launched and test missions of spacecraft are considerably frequent .

  18. 本文所提出的改进措施得到应用后,对提高设备运行的安全可靠性、延长设备寿命、确保低温试验任务的完成具有明显的效果。

    The application of the improve measures put forward in this paper has gained obvious effects in enhancing the security , prolonging the life of the system and insuring the finishing of the low temperature test tasks .

  19. 结果:在语义加工水平的试验任务中,当启动刺激和目标刺激之间存在语义联想关系,得到了显著的语言内语义启动效应(实验一);

    Re - sults : In experiment ⅰ and Experiment ⅱ, no matter what the relation between the English targets and the English primes was semantic association or homophones and similar phones , the significant priming effects were obtained ;

  20. 针对固体动力装置试验任务要求,根据试验台实际状况,提出了计算机数据采集系统和示波器并行采集的方法,对压力和推力传感器的现场校准方法进行了详细论述。

    In order to meet the request of solid power unit test , the author made an detailed presentation of site calibration of pressure and thrust sensors by the method of computer data acquisition system and ondoscope working simultaneously .

  21. 讨论了国防科研试验任务中信息生成的时间相关特性,提出应用动态数据库技术建立国防科研试验动态记录系统并分析了相关技术与政策问题。

    Then , a dynamic information record system for the scientific research and the experiment mission of the national defense is put forward which is based on dynamic database technology . At last , the technology and policy related is discussed .

  22. 压力传感器、变送器广泛应用于卫星发射试验任务的各个技术领域,其测量结果的准确可靠与否,直接影响着卫星发射试验任务的顺利进行。

    Pressure sensors and pressure transmitters are widely used in satellite launching experiments in all areas of technology , and its results are accurate and reliable measurement of whether or not to launch a direct impact on the smooth progress of experiments .

  23. 在航天工程、导弹武器多种型号试验任务的各项计算机实时应用软件系统的研制过程中,软件测试问题是保证各大系统软件质量所面临的亟待解决的问题。

    During the development of real-time application software systems for space-flight engineering , various model tests of missiles weapons , and dynamic model tests of cruise missiles , software testing has been a significant problem of quality control that remains to be solved .

  24. 从航天部队的试验任务实际情况出发,研究了航天部队的综合试验能力评估要素,从评估节点、标准、分值、方法等方面着手,建立了功能完备的评估模型。

    The thesis studies the elements of assessing the integrative battle effectiveness of spaceflight army with a view on the actual situation of the army . It establishes an assessment model with complete functions from such aspects as node , standard , value and method , etc.

  25. 论文实现的任务管理与数据上报系统在多个试验训练任务中发挥了重要作用,其系统架构和设计实现方法可为类似信息管理系统的开发提供借鉴。

    Its system architecture and implement design method has provided a reference for the development of similar information management system .

  26. 特别是随着任务的不断增加,有必要建设基于现代信息技术的任务管理系统,对试验训练任务进行统一管理。

    Especially with the increasing number of task , it is necessary to build a task management system to manage test and training mission based on modern information technology .

  27. 电机试验实时多任务测控软件设计

    Real-time multitask measurement control software design for motor testing

  28. 目前由于实时仿真技术的网络节点受限、费用高等缺点,使其不适合此规模网络的试验和设计任务。

    Real-time simulation is unsuitable for this case due to its limited network node and high cost .

  29. 测试结果和实际使用表明,本软件实现了军事仿真试验系统的任务规划、态势显示功能,具有很强的模型扩展能力,同时软件运行稳定,用户界面友好。

    The test results and actual application show that the software has reliably realized the function of mission planning and trend display , and its graphic user interface is friendly .

  30. 第二章介绍了价值工程的基本原理以及水阻试验的主要任务,水阻试验台微机化技术改造整个过程以价值工程的一般工作程序为设计指导原则。

    In chapter 2 , it introduces the basic principle of value engineering and the main task and looks the common work procedure of value engineering as the direction to rebuild the water-resistance load test bed .