
  • 网络Time cost;time-cost
  1. 家庭装修中的时间成本

    THE TIME COST that family repair the inside

  2. 对项目时间成本管理通过MSproject管理工具做了优化,突出设计院项目在立项之前的项目风险控制作为规避风险的首要选择。

    Time cost of the project management through MS Project management tool optimized for the program . project risk control as a hedge against the risk of first choice before execute projects .

  3. 高校图书馆读者时间成本分析

    Analysis of the Time Cost for Readers in University Libraries

  4. 基于时间成本的集成点识别方法

    Identification method of integration point based on time cost

  5. 交易双方时间成本不同的博弈分析与实验论证

    An Experiment on the Different Cost of Transaction Time

  6. 出行时间成本的测算方法及其影响因素分析

    The Measurement Method for the Travel Time Cost and the Analysis of Its Influencing Factors

  7. 并把时间成本定在9美元1小时或90美元1小时。

    and bill their time at either nine dollars an hour or ninety dollars an hour .

  8. 时间成本在管理创新与组织文化建设中的效用研究

    Efficiency of Time Cost in Innovation of Library Management and Construction of Institutional Culture : A Study

  9. 因此将仿真技术用于医疗流程的重组将大大节约时间成本和实施成本。

    Therefore , the simulation of the medical process optimization will save time costs and implementation costs greatly .

  10. 基于时间成本平衡函数的资源替代性实证研究以我国电子信息产业为背景

    Study on resource substitution of technology efforts Based on time-cost tradeoff function & China 's electronics and information industry

  11. 当人们把时间成本定在90美元1小时时,据报道他们感觉时间变得更加紧迫。

    When people billed their time for ninety dollars an hour they reported feeling far more pressed for time .

  12. 程序运行结果表明,算法运行的时间成本低,协议是有效且实用的。

    The simulation results show that the time cost of the protocol is low , and the protocol is effective and practical .

  13. 合作中的成本可以划分为信息资源的获取和管理成本、劳动成本、时间成本。

    The costs of the collaboration can be divided into costs for information acquisition and management , labor costs and time costs .

  14. 构建预防性维护周期决策模型,通过离散的求解过程建立多目标决策问题,其决策指标为单位时间成本与制造系统设备可用度。

    Preventive maintenance period optimal model was established and then multi-attribute maintenance decision making problem was built by using discrete solving process .

  15. 提出了网络经济时代发展的思路要从关注空间成本转向关注时间成本的论点。

    It brings forward a original view that enterprise 's development idea should be changed from concerning of space cost to concerning of time cost .

  16. 我试着建议他们考虑自己的学习方法,兴趣爱好和能花费在学习上的时间成本。

    I try to advise them taking into account their learning methods , general interests and time they have available to dedicate to their learning .

  17. 结果表明:随着运输距离的增加,选择高铁或民航的旅客对于时间成本和舒适性的重视程度越来越高,而对方便性的重视有所下降。

    The results show that as the distance grows passengers choosing high-speed rail or civil aviation attach more importance to time cost rather than convenience .

  18. 这项开支,很重要的,是投入的角度出发,一个军事行动的时间成本昂贵得多。

    This expenditure , very important , is to put into perspective with the cost of a military campaign of the time , much more expensive .

  19. 有的研究考虑了联盟形成的成本,但是联盟形成的通信、时间成本高,计算复杂。

    Finally , although some research take cost into consideration , the cost of time and communication is very high and the computation method is fairly complicated .

  20. 首先,仅考虑到达公园的时间成本花费而未对物质成本(金钱成本)加以考虑;

    First , only considered that arrives at the park the time cost expenditure , but ( money cost ) had not considered to the material cost ;

  21. 提出了资金成本和时间成本的概念,通过对企业利润的研究,科学地分析了影响利润的关键要素。

    The concepts of fund and time costs have been put forward . Through the research on enterprise profit , key factors influencing on profit have been analyzed .

  22. 企业要在市场竞争中获得生存与发展,必须十分重视时间成本管理。

    Therefore , the management of time costs must be paid more and more attention by enterprises to obtain enough living and developing space in intensive market competition .

  23. 顾客总成本包括时间成本、货币成本、风险成本、精神成本、机会成本、构成了电子商务顾客满意度的评价指标。

    The total cost of the customer includes monetary cost , risk cost , spiritual cost , opportunity cost , evaluation index to form customer satisfaction of e-commerce .

  24. 严重的交通堵塞降低了交通基础设施的利用率,增加了人们出行的时间成本和燃油消耗,同时带来了严重的空气污染。

    Serious traffic congestions lower traffic infrastructure utilization ratio , increase people travelling time costs and fuel consumption , and at the same time bring serious air pollutions .

  25. 第二章从经济学角度分析了横向并购所产生的效率,主要有规模经济,协同效应,降低时间成本三个方面的效率产生。

    Chapter 2 Economic Analysis of the efficiency of horizontal mergers and acquisitions generated , there are economies of scale , synergies , reduce time and cost efficiency .

  26. 新员工与企业磨合的时间成本、新员工融入企业的效率成本、新员工所需的培训成本以及是否值得信赖等等都需要企业支付成本。

    The time costs and efficiency costs for new members to integrate into our company and the costs to train new members will all be borne in our company .

  27. 顾客成本由货币成本、时间成本、体力和精神成本构成,与顾客购买成反比。

    This consumer cost consists of monetary cost , time cost , physical and mental cost . Then what is appropriate between these two , is being discussed is this paper .

  28. 本研究考量不确定性作业工期及成本,并依各施作团队的工作连续状况,求解时间成本权衡问题。

    The proposed study presents a stochastic time-cost tradeoff model that considers three sets of decision variables : numbers of crews , types of equipment , and the interruptions between locations .

  29. 经测试运行表明本系统可以有效地降低评优工作的人力和时间成本,大大提高工作效率,系统运行正常,可以正式使用。

    By test operation shows that the system can effectively reduce the recommendation of human and time cost work , greatly improving working efficiency , system operating normally , can officially use .

  30. 同时,采取竞争导向定价法和顾客差异定价法,为顾客降低货币成本、时间成本精力成本和体力成本,最终给顾客提供最大化的让渡价值。

    Meanwhile , we try to reduce the customer 's currency cost , time cost , energy cost and physics cost . Ultimately , it will offer the maximized delivered value to the customers .