
  • 网络The arrow of time;time arrow
  1. 回头再说时间箭头,余下的问题是;为何我们观察到热力学和宇宙学箭头指向同一方向?

    To return to the arrow of time , there remains the question : why do we observe that the thermodynamic and cosmological arrows point in the same direction ?

  2. 许多人认为时间是直线的是因为我们习惯把时间与时间箭头(arrowoftime)或时间作标联系在一起。

    Many people thought time is straight because of the relations to the arrow of time and time coordinates .

  3. 此外,为何必须存在一个定义得很好的时间箭头。

    There are at least three different arrows of time .

  4. 霍金与彭罗斯关于时间箭头的哲学争论

    Philosophical Debates on Time-arrow between S.W. Hawking and Penrose

  5. 分子手性和生物学时间箭头

    Molecular Chirality and Biological Time Arrow

  6. 本文考察了近代以来关于时间箭头的认识过程;

    This paper inspects the process of recognizing of time ′ s arrowhead in modern times .

  7. 这就解释了,为何我们观察到热力学和宇宙学的时间箭头指向一致。

    This is the explanation of why we observe that the thermodynamic and cosmological arrows of time point in the same direction .

  8. 生命的结构物质,在不对称中,在时间箭头的方向上不可逆地产生着、发展着、演化着。

    The structured substances of life produce , develop and evolve irreversibly in the non-symmetry in the direction of the time vector .

  9. 研究人员曾说,“虽然人们普遍认为统计的和宇宙学的时间箭头相连,但是我们不能重演宇宙大爆炸也无法在实验中证明这种关系。”

    The researchers said ," although people generally think statistics and cosmology time arrow connected , but we can 't repeat the big bang cannot in experiments prove this relationship . "

  10. 价值哲学研究的一种新进展&略论霍金对三个时间箭头同方向的论证和时间进化论、时间辩证法

    A Fresh Advance of Studies on Philosophy of Value & A Brief Study on Hawking ′ s Theories of " Expounding of the Three Time Arrows in the Same Direction ", " the Evolution of Time ", and " Dialectics of Time "

  11. 斯莫利亚尼诺说,这也就是熵的粗糙模型,其代表了时间热力学箭头;

    This serves as a crude model of entropy , Smolyaninov says , representing the thermodynamic arrow of time .

  12. 所以就好像给了时间一个方向箭头。

    So that gives an arrow of time .

  13. 使用斯莫利亚尼诺的装置,研究人员可以研究物理学中长期存在的问题,即时间中的热力学箭头问题。

    Use the device smalley and el nino , researchers can study physics , the existing problems in the medium and long term problems the thermodynamics arrow is time .