
míng mén wàng zú
  • Famous families;notable family and great clan -- gentility;good blood;pretension
名门望族 [míng mén wàng zú]
  • (1) [good blood]∶高贵的、地位显要的家庭

  • 他出身于名门望族

  • (2) [pretension]∶有特权的家族

  • 名门望族的乡间产业

名门望族[míng mén wàng zú]
  1. 他出身名门望族。

    He came from a very good family .

  2. 于是,许多名门望族纷纷前来争聘他的第二个女儿。

    Thereupon , many distinguished8 families came to propose marriage to the second daughter .

  3. 李写道,伊迪丝·纽伯·琼斯(EdithNewboldJones)1862年出生于一个“老纽约的名门望族”。

    In1862 , Edith Newbold Jones was born into an " old-established New York clan ", as Ms Lee puts it .

  4. 她究竟是出生卑微或是名门望族?

    Is she a wicked girl or born to royalty ?

  5. 他的家庭在故乡是名门望族。

    His family was well known in their town .

  6. 例如在2012年发表的一篇论文中,格雷戈里分析了瑞典的名门望族。

    In a 2012 paper , for instance , Mr Clark examines prosperous Swedes .

  7. 他为他出身于名门望族而骄傲。

    He was proud of his impeccable pedigree .

  8. 他们对名门望族已经不像以往那样买账了。

    They are less smitten with aristocratic dynasties .

  9. 她出身于名门望族,又很富有。这一切都是我所需要的。

    She is rich and of good family and that 's all I want .

  10. 她出生于名门望族。

    She comes from a famous family .

  11. 她出身于名门望族。

    She comes from a well-known family .

  12. 出身名门望族不会不受到重视。

    An old name counted for something .

  13. 不过,他也结识了约旦和科威特名门望族的子弟。

    But he also came to know the children of prominent Jordanian and Kuwaiti families .

  14. 佩雷斯家族一直是莫拉村的名门望族。

    The P é rezes have long been one of Mora 's more prominent families .

  15. 名门望族出身的男子

    A man of pedigree

  16. 要想在那公司获得管理部门的一个职位,你必须是出身名门望族。

    You have to be out of the top drawer to get a management position with what company .

  17. 波特一家也许很有钱,但不是出身名门望族。

    The Potters may have plenty of money , but they don 't come out of the top drawer .

  18. 在这个制度下,殖民地时期的名门望族发展成一种较立法机构更为重要的社会力量。

    Under this system the leading families of the colonial period evolved into units with more substantial social power than legislatures .

  19. 他的家是名门望族,不仅因出了许多功成名就的家族成员,还因为他们具有怪癖的个性。

    His family was well established and was known , not only for its many accomplished and successful members , but also for their eccentric personalities .

  20. 作为一个逊尼派阿拉伯名门望族的子孙,两年前在其前任–他堂兄–被刺杀之后,他干上了这份差事。

    The scion of a prominent Sunni Arab family , he took the job two years ago after his predecessor , his cousin , was assassinated .

  21. 她之前还说过,电视剧设定场景是20世纪初期,那时像唐顿庄园一样大的名门望族至少要有60名佣人。

    She has previously said a stately home of Downton Abbeys size would , in the early 20th century when the programme is set , have had up to 60 domestic staff .

  22. 在那段历史时期,大多数妇女作为货品,像儿童、工具和奴隶一般,他们几乎是属于男性的财产,他们基本的经济和意识形态价值在于是否具有能够为名门望族进行生育的能力。

    By this time in history , most women were chattel . Like children , livestock and slaves , they were literally possessions of men , and their primary economic and spiritual value lay in their ability to produce purebred offspring of known lineage .

  23. 文氏始出于成都,在不断繁衍和迁徙中,形成了文徵明为代表的苏州文氏,并成为明清时期活跃于书坛、画坛的名门望族。

    The family of Wen came from Chengdu in early , in the course of multiplying and migrating , this family became the famous last name of Suzhou who actively performed in painting and calligraphy field . , and the typical master is Wen Zhengming .

  24. 出生富贵之家,出身名门我出身于日内瓦的名门望族。

    I am by birth a Genevese , and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic .