
  • 网络socialist labour;socialist labor
  1. 社会主义劳动价值论的新内涵和新内容

    Socialist Labor Value : Its Connotation and Content

  2. 相应的,我国的社会主义劳动法律体系也随之发展和建立。

    Accordingly , socialist labor legal system of our country also will develop and build .

  3. 咱们厂的社会主义劳动竞赛搞得真热火。

    The socialist emulation drive in our factory is really lively .

  4. 在构建和谐社会中建立社会主义劳动关系的探讨

    Approach to establish the socialist labor relationship in the course of constructing the harmonious society

  5. 国家提倡社会主义劳动竞赛,奖励劳动模范和先进工作者。

    The state promotes socialist labour emulation , and commends and rewards model and advanced workers .

  6. 朝鲜社会主义劳动青年同盟

    Socialist Working Youth League of Korea

  7. 社会主义劳动正义具有丰富的价值。

    The moral worth of Socialism Labor Justice to man , the society and the nature is abundant .

  8. 这是目前学术界深化对社会主义劳动价值论研究的基础。

    This is the foundation that at present academia deepens pair of socialism labor theory of value to consider .

  9. 分析失业产生的历史;对马克思的社会主义劳动就业理论进行评析;

    It also analyses the history of unemployment 's coming into being , comments on Marx 's Socialist theory of labor and employment .

  10. 私营经济的剥削现象是在深化对社会主义劳动和劳动价值论讨论中的一个焦点问题。

    The phenomenon of exploitation existing in private economy is a key point in the further discussion about socialist labor and labor value theory .

  11. 有中国特色的社会主义劳动用工形式或制度;是一种既能适应商品经济或市场经济发展需要,又能体现社会主义公有制本质要求的劳动用工形式或制度。

    Chinese socialist labor-recruiting institution is an institution which not only meets the demand of market economy , but also embodies the essence of socialist .

  12. 如何解释新价值的独创与共享&关于社会主义劳动和劳动价值论的思考

    How to Understand the Problem " Created by One " and " Shared by All " & Reflection on the Theory of Socialist Labor and Labor Value

  13. 怎样看待当代中国社会阶层结构的新变化?这是目前学术界深化对社会主义劳动价值论研究的基础。

    How to treat the new changes of the modem Chinese social class structure is the basis of research on socialist Labor Value Theory among today 's academic circles .

  14. 它像商品具有使用价值、价值二因素一样,具有产生于社会主义劳动(自主劳动)的对立统一的福利、商品二因素;

    Like all commodities , welfare commodity has the use value and the value , thus it possesses the two factors : welfare and commodity emerged from the unity of opposites of socialist labour .

  15. 在他去世的时候,他已经2次荣获社会主义劳动英雄称号、1次获得现代俄罗斯联邦英雄称号,而且他在最高苏维埃里工作了6个任期。

    By the time he passed , hed been honored twice as a hero of the Soviet Union , once as a hero of the modern Russian Federation , and had served six terms in the Supreme Soviet .

  16. 政治态度也要看,但要讲清楚,政治态度好主要应该表现在为社会主义劳动得好,做出的贡献大。

    Political attitude should also be taken into account , but it must be made clear that a good political attitude should find expression mainly in a good performance in socialist labour and a greater contribution to society .

  17. 第八条农村人民公社、农业生产合作社和其他生产、供销、信用、消费等各种形式的合作经济,是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。

    Article 8 Rural people 's communes , agricultural producers cooperatives and other forms of cooperatives economy , such as producers ' , supply and marketing , credit and consumers cooperatives , belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people .

  18. 城镇中的手工业、工业、建筑业、运输业、商业、服务业等行业的各种形式的合作经济,都是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。

    The various forms of cooperative economy in the cities and towns , such as those in the handicraft , industrial , building , transport , commercial and service trades , all belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people .

  19. 社会主义和谐劳动关系理论概述

    Summary of the Theory of Socialism Harmonious Working Relationship

  20. 浅谈对社会主义社会劳动的研究与认识

    Talk on Research and Knowledge of Socialism Social Work

  21. 社会主义社会劳动是社会主义经济学领域中的一个基础性课题。

    Social labour of socialism is a basic research subject in socialistic economics .

  22. 马克思生产劳动范畴的两重性及其统一&兼论社会主义生产劳动

    The Duality and the Unity of Category of Productive Labor in Marx 's Theory

  23. 论社会主义新型劳动关系

    About the New Labor Relationship of Socialism

  24. 社会主义生产劳动探析

    Probe into Socialist Productive Labor

  25. 这一新的科学论断,是深化对社会主义社会劳动和劳动价值理论研究的结果。

    That new scientific thesis is the result of deepening the research to the socialist labor and labor axiology .

  26. 文章在研究马克思生产劳动理论的基础上,对如何界定社会主义生产劳动及其外延的扩展进行了全新的探索。

    This paper studies the definition of socialist productive labor and its denotative extension on the basis of reaching of Marxian theory .

  27. 我们要成为建设社会主义的劳动战线上一支值得人民信任的突击力量。

    They should become a shock brigade on the labour front of socialist construction , one worthy of the people 's trust .

  28. 这种情况的存在,严重影响了高职毕业生就业的质量和社会主义和谐劳动关系的构建。文章通过对高职毕业生就业后劳动者权益遭到侵害的原因分析,提出了构建和谐劳动关系的对策。

    The phenomenon affected the quality of employment of graduates of higher vocational colleges and the construction of the harmonious socialism labor relation seriously .

  29. 中国特色社会主义新型劳动关系的基本内涵、特征及需要处理好的几个关系

    About What the New Labor Relationship of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Is And Keys of It And Several Relationship Which Should be Dealed With

  30. 如何促进用人单位与劳动者之间实质权利的平等,已成为当代中国构建社会主义和谐劳动关系的重要课题。

    How to balance substantial benefit among employers and employees has become an important issue of foundation of the harmonious labor relationship in contemporary China .