
  • 网络Intermediate Science;middle science;medium science
  1. 犯罪心理学的研究,需要明确它的学科性质是偏向于社会科学的中间科学和带有浓厚人文色彩的边缘科学。

    It needs to define that the nature of the research of criminal psychology is closer to the intermediate science of social science and the brink science with a strong color of humanity .

  2. 位于波士顿和其主要卫星城剑桥中间的科学公园内则有科学博物馆。

    Science Park , situated midway between Boston and its major satellite city , Cambridge , offers the Museum of Science .

  3. 为了实现本轮课改中间小学科学课程肩负的提高学生科学素养的总目标,科学教学中必需加强小学科学课程资源的开发与利用。

    The present curriculum reform , which is aimed at enhancing students ' accomplishment in science , calls for effective development and utilization of the related curriculum resources in science teaching in elementary education .

  4. 对于作为科学探究的中间阶段的科学假设,我们对假设的定义、一般特征、模式、类型等方面进行了探讨。

    As far as the scientific hypothesis as the middle stage of scientific inquiry , we explore its definition , general features , patterns and types .

  5. 它还帮助在决策者和公众中间促进了科学传播,同样重要的是,它还提高了发展中国家科学家个体的知名度。

    It has helped to promote science among both policymakers and the public and , equally importantly , it has helped raise the profile of individual scientists in the South .

  6. 但是他的确在许多年轻人中间播下了科学的种子。

    But he has certainly sowed the seeds of science among many young people .