
  • 网络Magnetic field intensity vector;magnetic intensity vector
  1. 以地磁场强度矢量的模为观测量,将Unscented卡尔曼滤波(UKF)用于近地卫星的磁测自主导航。

    The unscented Kalman filter ( UKF ) was applied for geomagnetism autonomous navigation in LEO satellite in this paper when the magnitude of the geomagnetic field vector was served as observed value .

  2. 磁场强度矢量仅与传导电流有关的条件

    Conditions Where Magnetic Field Intensity Vector Relates Only to Conduct Electricity

  3. 本文的主要创新点在于以亥姆霍兹定理直接分析电位移矢量和磁场强度矢量。

    Directly qualitative analyzing electric displacement vector and magnetic field intensity are the achievement and innovation of this thesis .

  4. 原因在于这种介质违反常规介质的特性:介质中的电场强度E、磁场强度H、波矢量K三者之间呈左手关系。

    The reason is that the characteristics of this kind medium violate the rules of conventional medium . In this medium , the electric field intensity , the magnetic field intensity and the wave vector quantity assume the left hand relations .