
cí tōnɡ shì
  • magneto-motive force
  1. 测量磁通势的单位等于(待查表)安培匝数。

    A unit of magnetomotive force equal to 0.7958 ampere-turns .

  2. 通过实时测量磁处理过程中磁致应变的方法,研究了磁场磁通势、磁场变化频率和占空比对铁磁材料磁致应变的影响。

    Magnetostrictive strain in 45 # steel , caused by the magnetometive force , the magnetic field frequency and the duty cycle of the field , was measured .

  3. 磁通势单位等于安培的电流通过单位线圈时产生的磁通势;等于(待查表)吉伯。

    A unit of magnetomotive force equal to the magnetomotive force produced by the passage of 1 ampere through 1 complete turn of a coil ; equal to 1.257 gilberts .