
huái róu zhènɡ cè
  • policy of mollification;policy of control through conciliation
  1. 他们还制造谣诼流言,散布失败情绪,推行怀柔政策,破坏我抗战法令,妄图摧毁我抗日根据地。

    They are also creating and spreading rumors , inducing defeatist sentiments , pursuing a policy of mollification and denouncing our anti-Japanese laws and orders , in an attempt to destroy our anti-Japanese base areas .

  2. 被征服国家被施以明智的怀柔政策。

    A wise policy of " conciliation " was pursued towards the conquered state .

  3. 法律是纸上的,刺刀是钢铸的,大棒手段和怀柔政策相济。

    Law is paper , bayonet is steel .

  4. 比利时首相范龙佩是一位低调的政治家,以怀柔政策著称。

    Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy is a low-key politician with a reputation for conciliation .

  5. 结果,就像一位西方外交家说的那样,“一个完全处采取怀柔政策的政府”,坚定地处于防守状态。

    The result is , as one Western diplomat puts it ," a government in full conciliation mode ", firmly on the back foot .

  6. 不过得先礼后兵,先推行怀柔政策不得要领之后,就可以用这句话,让对方的狡辩无处藏身。

    You would usually only use this phrase after politely requesting that someone repay a debt to you and they try to weasel out of it .

  7. 在频繁的外交事务中,处处体现出大国对小国、强国对弱国的怀柔政策,赢得了海外诸番国对明王朝的信任和敬服;

    In frequent and complicated foreign affairs , China 's Ming Dynasty , as a traditional power , always showed her generosity to small and weak countries , thus winning respect of overseas countries .

  8. 在周克商之后,周采用信仰怀柔政策,令帝与天相和谐,进行了一次商族与周族之间的信仰调停。

    After Zhou Clan overthrew the government of Shang Clan , Zhou Clan adopted soft policies on religious beliefs to produce a harmony of God and Heaven so that Zhou Clan conciliated the two clans in a religious dispute .

  9. 一,怀柔、安抚政策,通过设立关西七卫,分封部落酋长,将西北边境纳入王朝管理体系之下。

    Through setting up guan xi qi wei , The Ming Dynasty made the northwest border include in the management system of imperial court .

  10. 事实上,从清统治者采取的专制与怀柔的文化政策对乾嘉史学的形成有着直接的影响。

    In fact , adopts from the clear ruler despotically has the direct influence with Huairou 's cultural policy to the dry fine history formation .