
zhù shēn
  • shaft;fust;scape;vivo
柱身 [zhù shēn]
  • [shaft] 柱头与基础之间的圆筒形柱身

柱身[zhù shēn]
  1. 警察发现了一具女尸。本体;骨干部分;柱身;

    The police have found the trunk of a dead woman .

  2. 钢筋混凝土预制柱身裂缝产生的原因分析

    Discussing about the Reasons of the Reinforced Concrete Prefabricated Column 's ω

  3. (宝石柱)托梁断柱置换局部柱身混凝土实践

    Replacement practice for part column-body concrete by supporting beam and cutting column

  4. 它以螺旋涡行的柱顶,细长的柱身以及精致的底座而著称。

    It featured capitals with spiral volutes , slender shafts , and elaborate bases .

  5. 采用分层回填土的方法,可有效的避免在大面积深基坑回填土时土压力对柱身的破坏。

    This method effectively prevents damage to foundation pillar in large-scale backfill of deep foundation pit projects .

  6. 超高层钢结构安装过程中的柱身垂偏等施工偏差对结构性能的影响程度是工程中经常遇到的问题。

    The influence of construction error such as vertical deviation of column etc , are frequently met in construction .

  7. 给出了罗马柱装饰的主要工艺流程,并详细介绍了柱身、柱帽、表面处理施工过程中采取的措施,最后总结了施工经验。

    Main construction process and measures adopted during construction of roman column body , cap and surface were introduced , and construction experience was summed up .

  8. 同时,由于箱形柱的焊缝多,焊接工艺复杂,国外已很少采用,取而代之的是由钢板冷轧成形的矩形柱,该柱柱身只有一条焊缝。

    Meanwhile , owning to many welding lines and complicated welding procedure , the box column is rarely adopted aboard , which has been already replaced by the rectangle-column with only one welding line .

  9. 某既有厂房内部大面积深开挖后,基坑边坡附近的柱基础因土压力作用发生明显的水平位移,柱身严重开裂。

    After inner deep excavation of large area in an existed workshop , the column base near the slope of foundation pit has an appreciable horizontal displacement due to soil pressure , which results in severe cleavage of the columns .