
  • 网络columnar jointing;columnar joint
  1. 白鹤滩柱状节理玄武岩中发育的柱状节理、微裂隙及缓倾角结构面是导致岩体变形模量较低的主要因素;

    Columnar joint , microfissure and gently dipping structural surface are the three fundamental factors which lead to the small deformation modulus of basaltic mass .

  2. 近年来,在浙江多处中生代酸性火山岩中,发现了十分典型、甚具规模的柱状节理构造。

    Typical columnar joint structure of considerably large scale found in recent years is distributed in various localities in Mesozoic acidic volcanic rocks in Zhejiang .

  3. 柱状节理面上未见断层擦痕或任何移动的证据。

    Joint surfaces of the columns do not show slickensides or any evidence of movement .

  4. 玄武岩柱状节理面凿痕构造(Chiselstructure)的形态特征及其形成机理的探讨

    Morphological Characteristics of Chisel Structure and Their Forming Mechanism on the Surface of Columnar Joints in Basalt

  5. 浙东新生代玄武岩柱状节理面旋回条纹(cyclicstria)的发现及其意义

    Discovery of cyclic stria on the surface of columnar joints in Cenozoic basalts in eastern Zhejiang and its significance

  6. 试论玄武岩柱状节理的形态分类与成因分类

    Discussion on Morphological and Genetical Classification of Columnar Joints in Basalt

  7. 我国酸性火山岩中的柱状节理构造景观

    The Columnar Joint Landscape of Mesozoic Acidic Volcanic Rocks in China

  8. 基于地质强度指标法的柱状节理玄武岩体力学强度估计拉斑玄武岩质粒玄岩

    Strength estimation of columnar jointed basaltic mass based on geological strength index

  9. 柱状节理岩体各向异性特性及尺寸效应研究各向异性体弹性力学

    Research on anisotropic characteristics and size effect of columnar jointed rock mass

  10. 玄武岩柱状节理的存在对边坡稳定性产生了不利的影响;

    The existence of columnar joint has adverse effect to the slope stability ;

  11. 长柱状节理块是由两组节理组成。

    " Columnar " joint blocks are formed by two sets of joints .

  12. 柱状节理玄武岩岩体结构与结构面的分形研究

    A Study of Structure and Structural Plane Fractal of Basalt Rock Mass with columnar joints

  13. 柱状节理岩体压缩破坏过程模拟及机制分析

    Simulation of compressive failure process of columnar jointed rock mass and its failure mechanism analysis

  14. 福建镇海一带玄武岩柱状节理的动力学研究兼论柱状节理的成因

    Dynamics of columnar joints in basalt , Zhenhai area , Fujian province , with special reference to its genesis

  15. 松辽盆地东南隆起区下白垩统营城组出露柱状节理流纹岩。

    Rhyolite with columnar joints has been found in the lower Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation , in an uplift area of the southeastern Songliao Basin .

  16. 经过系统观察认为此处存在三类火山通道相节理:面状节理、“倒扇型”柱状节理和“直立型”柱状节理。

    By observing the joints , three kinds of joints were distinguished : planar joints ," reverse fan-type " columnar joints and " orthotropus-type " columnar joints .

  17. 四平山门早白垩世流纹岩,具有典型的古火山机构的分布特征,保存着罕见的发育完整的柱状节理。

    In Shanmen , Siping , Jilin province , the early Cretaceous rhyolite has typical distributive characteristics of the paleovolcanic apparatus , preserving rare , well-developed prismatic joint .

  18. 柱状节理面上未见断层擦痕或任何移动的证据。我能根据手表背面的擦痕认出那块表是我的。

    Joint surfaces of the columns do not show slickensides or any evidence of movement . I can identify that watch as mine by the scratches on the back .

  19. 右岸岸坡变形破坏模式的主要是渐进性的局部崩塌;崩塌失稳受到玄武岩层状构造、共轭剪切断裂、卸荷裂隙及柱状节理等多种结构面的协同约束作用。

    The deformation mechanism of right bank slope are mainly progressive collapse ; collapse instability control by basalt layered structure , conjugate shear fracture , unloading cracks and columnar joints and other structural surface . 3 .

  20. 本文对内蒙古赤峰地区第三纪玄武岩的磁组构进行了研究,分析了流动绳状构造、柱状节理、气孔构造等不同构造的玄武岩的磁各向异性特征。

    The present paper has studied magnetic fabrics of Quaternary basalts in Chifeng area , Inner Mongolia and analysed magnetic anisotropic characteristics of such different structures of basalts as ropy flow structure , prismatic joints and vesicular structure .