
jiǎ shān
  • rockery;artificial hill;rockwork;rock garden
假山 [jiǎ shān]
  • [rockery;rock garden;artificial hill] 园林中用石头堆砌而成以供欣赏的小山

假山[jiǎ shān]
  1. 公园里的假山巧夺天工。

    The rockery in the park is of wonderful workmanship excelling nature .

  2. 假山艺术在北京地区的传承与发展

    The Inheritance and Development of Rockery Art in Beijing Area

  3. 水青冈一种其他木本植物,如鹅耳枥属和假山毛榉属毛木耳子实体中活性多糖APPⅡA的分离纯化与结构初探

    Any of several other woody plants , as in the genera Carpinus and Nothofagus . Isolation , purification and structural characterization of bioactive polysaccharide APP ⅱ A from Auricularia polytricha

  4. 石头与假山是中国南方园林的特色。

    Rocks and rockeries are special features of southern Chinese gardens .

  5. 我悄悄地爬到假山花园的边上。

    I crept to the edge of the rock garden .

  6. 狮子林主要是以湖石假山为特色。

    Lion Grove is mainly characterized by its lakeside rocks and rockeries .

  7. 亭台楼阁,假山池塘,布局精巧,错落有致。

    Pavilion , terrace , rockery , exquisitely laid out in an asymmetry .

  8. 浅议中国园林假山喷泉的配置艺术

    Discuss the Art of Disposing Garden Rockery Fountain

  9. 我在园中将泥土堆成了一座假山。

    I heaped up the earth in my garden to make an artificial hill .

  10. 北京雕刻家展望于1990年代中期开始著手创作「假山石」系列作品。

    Beijing-based sculptor Zhan Wang first began his Artificial Rock series in the mid-1990s .

  11. 顺山势而下,又有许多假山隧洞,游人可以上下穿行。

    Shun top down , and many rockery tunnel , visitors can walk on .

  12. 我把园中的泥土堆成假山。

    I heap up the earth in my garden to make an artificial hill .

  13. 一座真正艺术化的假山,其结构和对比的特点应该和一帧画一样。

    A really artistic rockery should have the composition and contrast of a painting .

  14. 我们欣喜的发现随房子一起出售的还有一个假山庭院。

    We were delighted to find that a large rock garden went with the house .

  15. 一种生长在岩石上或岩石间的植物,适于在假山花园中栽植。

    Plant that grows on or among rocks or is suitable for a rock garden .

  16. 它的前面是假山。

    In front of it are rockeries .

  17. 相信假山艺术在新的时代将会不断得到创新和发展,并焕发出强盛的生命力!

    We believe the rockery art will be further developed and take on a new look !

  18. 这是一座假山。

    This is a man-made hill .

  19. 人造石假山的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Artificial Rockery

  20. 最特别的就是假山。

    The rockery is especially unique .

  21. 假山毛榉属的几种高大新西兰乔木的任何一种;有些生产有用的木材。

    Any of several tall New Zealand trees of the genus Nothofagus ; some yield useful timber .

  22. 新西兰的假山毛榉属的一种植物,通常有银白色树皮。带假鬃的熟大毛马驹皮

    New Zealand beech with usually pale silvery bark . dressed heavy hair pony skin with imitation mane

  23. 去年,有一个相对假山所需的酒店,装修。

    Last year , there is a relative to the decoration of the hotel , required rockery .

  24. 拖到绘图页上,然后用在假山花园、休闲花园中,或用来建造围墙。

    Drag onto the page and use in rock gardens , meditation gardens or to build retaining walls .

  25. 由山毛榉树木构成的。新西兰的假山毛榉属的一种植物,通常有银白色树皮。

    Consisting of or made of wood of the beech tree . New Zealand beech with usually pale silvery bark .

  26. 那些亭台、栏杆、假山,确实精致优美。

    The pavilion on the hilltop was a well-known landmark . The pavilions , balustrades and rockeries are really exquisite .

  27. 花园里那个假山是用苏州产的太湖石堆成的。

    The rockery in the garden is made of Taihu rocks , a special type of rock produced in Suzhou .

  28. 假山是以自然山水为原型加以模仿并提炼的一种艺术手法,是用人工再造山石景或山石水景的通称。

    Rockwork is a kind of art which is based on the natural landscapes . It is an artificial landscape .

  29. 御花园北门附近有一片假山,叫堆秀山。

    Near the north gate of the Imperial Garden there is a group of manmade rockeries called the Collecting Elegance .

  30. “浮石”是展望的知名作品“假山石”系列中的最新作品。

    The " Floating Rock " is the latest addition to Zhan Wang 's well-known " Artificial Rocks " series .