
jiǎ xiǎng
  • imagination;hypothesis;supposition;phantom
假想 [jiǎ xiǎng]
  • [imagination;supposition;hypothesis] 假设;想象出来的

假想[jiǎ xiǎng]
  1. 动力学模型中除考虑了传统的受力以外,还考虑了假想质量力、Basset力、Saffman扬力以及压力梯度力等多种力的作用。

    The dynamic model , besides of traditional forces , the forces of imagination mass force , Basset force , Saffman lift force and pressure gradient force were considered .

  2. 所以尽量不要向你的假想投降,参照以下建议忘记你的前男友。

    So , try not to give way to your imagination and follow these rules to forget your ex.

  3. 赤道是一条假想的环绕地球腰部的线。

    The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth .

  4. 很多儿童都有一个假想朋友。

    Many children invent an imaginary friend .

  5. 她摆了个姿势,一只手叉腰,另一只手夹着一支假想的香烟。

    She struck a pose , one hand on her hip and the other waving an imaginary cigarette .

  6. 军政府针对假想的敌人展开了一场唇枪舌剑的战斗。这其中首当其冲的就是外国媒体。

    The military government is waging a war of words against its supposed enemies . Foremost among these are the foreign media .

  7. 这个故事里的人物都是假想的。

    The characters in this story are all fictitious .

  8. 他看来在找一个假想的敌人来加以痛打。

    He seems to be looking for a man of straw to belabor .

  9. 子午线是假想出来的一个圆圈。

    A meridian is an imaginary circle .

  10. 地球的自转轴是一条贯穿北极和南极的假想轴。

    The axis of the earth is an imaginary line through the north pole and the South pole .

  11. 这听起来是在说大话,但这位企业家积累的将近130亿美元的财富来自于他的实际成就而非假想。

    This sounds like so much hot air , but the near $ 13 billion fortune this entrepreneur has amassed comes from practical achievements rather than hypothetical ones .

  12. 这个摩尔多瓦人已经在这里生活了七年,照顾意大利的孩子和老人,但为了留下来,她必须通过一项测试来证明自己的语言能力,这项测试要求她给一个假想朋友写一张明信片,并应答一个虚构的招聘广告。

    The Moldovan has lived here seven years as a caregiver to Italian kids and the elderly , but in order to stay she 's had to prove her language skills by taking a test which requires her to write a postcard to an imaginary friend and answer a fictional job ad .

  13. 假想的主存中的内容很容易改变。

    Memory 's contents are easy to change .

  14. 或者指示操纵杆的运动方向,操控一个假想的宇宙飞船在屏幕上的位置。

    or sense the movements of a joystick and manipulate the position of an imaginary spaceship on a display screen .

  15. Price先生把皮克斯丢进了米老鼠和它的伙伴们的怀里,假想一切都会顺理成章。

    Mr Price leaves Pixar and its animators in the arms of Mickey Mouse and friends , and assumes that all will be well .

  16. 您已经在一个假想的业务场景中创建了一个DB2触发器。

    You 've created a DB2 trigger in the context of a mock business scenario .

  17. 本系列教程将说明构建一家假想的报社DailyMoon的基于Web访问的工作流系统的详细步骤。

    This tutorial series chronicles the building of a web services-based workflow system at a small fictional newspaper , the Daily Moon .

  18. 基于AFM形态学观察的细胞铺展机理的假想

    Hypothesis of mechanism for cell spreading based on AFM morphological observation

  19. 以计算机图形为假想空间,对实际空间内无线遥控路径探索Robot的运动进行实时仿真。

    This paper describes a real time simulation on the movement of a path exploring Robot in real space with computer graphics in hypothetic Space .

  20. 研究人员对MBA二年级学生假想自己在求职的场景进行了录像。

    Researchers videotaped a of second-year MBA students as they pretended to interview for a job .

  21. 此代码是一个简单的循环,遍历了一个假想的post表内的所有post,并显示post的类别和它的主体。

    This code is a simple loop through all posts in a hypothetical posts table , displaying the category and the body of the post .

  22. 本系列教程通过一个贯穿始终的假想的在线DVD租用的案例研究,达到以下三个主要目的

    These tutorials use a fictitious online DVD rental case study throughout for three main purposes

  23. 自“异常物体”在地球近邻在钱德拉X射线天文台被发现以来,许多假想和猜测涌现出来。

    Since the breakthrough of the exceptional object in Earth 's cosmic neighborhood and its discovery by Chandra X ray Observatory , many hypothesis and suppositions have come to the fore .

  24. 英国财相乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)本周在香港代表伦敦金融城,要求从这个假想中的市场分一杯羹。

    In Hong Kong this week , George Osborne staked a claim for the city to a slice of this putative market .

  25. 假想圆直径对六角燃烧器区域速度场影响的PDA试验研究

    PDA Experiment Research on The Influence of Imaginary Circle Diameter on The Velocity Field at Burner Region of Six Corners Tangentially Fired Boiler

  26. 这是个假想的故事;“Mallory”是攻击者的一个惯用名。

    The story is hypothetical ; Mallory is a conventional name for an attacker .

  27. 这个ioctl接口对于我们假想的驱动程序来说意义重大。

    This ioctl interface is meant for our hypothetical driver .

  28. line-box是一个假想的矩形框,包含在此块级包含元素内连成一线的所有inlinebox。

    A line-box is an imaginary rectangle that contains all the inline boxes that make up a line in the containing block-level element .

  29. 经济学人的那篇简报对个中的简单性却加以鞑伐,好像EMH只能适用于这些假想性的案例。

    This simplicity was criticised in The Economist 's briefing , as though the EMH applied only to these hypothetical cases .

  30. 由伦敦大学学院(universitycollegelondon)的顾问和学者进行的oft研究基于实验室试验,在实验中,一些学生坐在一台电脑前,面对2家虚拟的零售商提供的假想交易。

    The oft research , conducted by consultants and academics at University College London , was based on a laboratory experiment in which students sat at a computer and were presented with hypothetical deals from two fictional retailers .