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  • fake medicine;bogus medicine
  1. 警方已经就有人称他出售假药一事进行了调查。

    The police have probed claims that he sold fake medicine .

  2. 医学奖:丹·亚雷利,证明昂贵的假药比便宜的假药更有效。

    Medicine : Dan Ariely for demonstrating that expensive fake medicine is more effective than cheap fake medicine .

  3. 他们因为向街头小贩提供假药而被捕。

    They were arrested for supplying counterfeit medicine to street vendors .

  4. IMPACT的建立是对各个利益攸关方无法独立地打击假药这一事实的正式的国际承认。

    The creation of IMPACT was a formal international recognition that tackling counterfeit medicines cannot be achieved by individual stakeholders working independently .

  5. IMPACT致力于唤醒国际组织和其他利益攸关方关于假药的意识,从而改善它们之间的合作以及各个反制假行动之间的合作。

    IMPACT aims to raise awareness about counterfeit drugs among international organisations and other stakeholders to improve cooperation between them and between anti-counterfeiting initiatives .

  6. 伦敦智库国际政策网(InternationalPolicyNetwork)的报告显示,中国是世界上最大的假药生产国之一。这个智库的研究重点之一就是药品问题。

    China is one of the world 's largest producers of counterfeit pharmaceuticals , according to a report by the London-based International Policy Network , a think tank that focuses in part on pharmaceutical issues .

  7. AlinePlançon说,卫生和执法机构必须合作制止假药的扩散。

    Health and law enforcement organisations must work together to stop the spread of counterfeit medicines , says Aline Plan ç on .

  8. 中国商务部副部长姜增伟表示,中国将在明年初发起打假保知行动,打击对象包括假药、假烟、盗版软件和CD。

    The country will launch a crackdown early next year on goods including fake medicines and cigarettes , pirated software and CDs , said Jiang Zengwei , deputy minister of commerce .

  9. 也就是说,它会打击那些试图将仿冒古驰(Gucci)手袋和假药运往他国的罪犯。

    So it also targeted people trying to move knockoff gucci handbags and fake pharmaceuticals from one country to another .

  10. MTS的工作中包括对药品和保健产品管理局执行官员对假药的检测与鉴别。

    Part of the work of the MTS is to support MHRA enforcement officers in the detection and identification of counterfeit medicines .

  11. MohamedAbdel-Mottaleb.说,纳米技术在卫生学、假药检测和远程诊断领域能比纳米药物提供更多的卫生收益。

    Nanotech in hygiene , fake drug detection and remote diagnosis will do more for health than nanodrugs , says Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb .

  12. 其他人包括,主要任务为打击假药的国家药物部,部长是DoraAkunyili。

    Other names included Dora Akunyili , who as head of the national drug administration spearheaded a crackdown on counterfeit drugs .

  13. 除了假药所引发的知识产权问题以外,fda和美国禁毒署(dea)还对非法药品威胁公众健康表示不满,因为网上销售的无处方药物,在美国导致了一些消费者死亡的案例。

    In addition to the intellectual property problems raised by the fakes , the FDA and the drug enforcement administration complained about a public health threat , because some US consumers have died from drugs bought online without a prescription .

  14. 但是,Bhatt说,这个仿制药市场充斥着假药,而且缺乏行业管理。

    But , says Bhatt , the market is flooded with counterfeits , with no regulation of the industry in sight .

  15. 在同期发表的一篇特写中,科学记者YojanaSharma描述了移动电话、微型实验室和简单的工具包如何能够帮助迅速而廉价地探测假药。

    In the accompanying feature , science journalist Yojana Sharma describes how mobile phones , mini labs and simple kits can all help to detect counterfeits quickly and cheaply .

  16. LeenaMenghaney说,假药和劣药都威胁着公共卫生,而应对它们的举措必须把重点放在质量上。

    Both fake and substandard medicines threaten public health , and efforts to tackle them must put the focus on quality , says Leena Menghaney .

  17. 新加坡卫生科学局和CODFIN(假药法医调查网络)的实验室提供了法医鉴识的帮助,而世界海关组织提供了支持。

    The laboratories of Singapore 's Health Sciences Authority and CODFIN ( Counterfeit Drug Forensic Investigation Network ) helped with forensics , and the World Customs Organization provided support .

  18. 制药业希望利用“智能”技术与假药作斗争。

    The pharmaceutical industry hopes to harness'smart'technologies to combat counterfeit drugs .

  19. 真正的假药违背了商标做法并且属于故意欺骗。

    A true counterfeit violates a trademark and is deliberately deceptive .

  20. 生产、销售假药罪司法实务疑难问题探析

    Judicial Analysis of the Crime of Producing and Selling Fake Medicines

  21. 我们更多地看见劣药而非假药。

    We see fake drugs less often than we see substandard ones .

  22. 其他反假药的方法还包括使用无线电频率识别标签。

    Other anti-counterfeit efforts include the use of radio frequency identification tags .

  23. 他是个庸医,开的是假药方。

    He is a quack and prescribes his quack medicines .

  24. 假药的海外贸易有增长。

    There is a growing trade overseas in dud medicines .

  25. 本文是关于发现假药的专题聚焦的一部分。

    This article is part of a Spotlight on Detecting counterfeit drugs .

  26. 众多政策声称通过打击'假药'的行动加强病人的安全。

    Numerous policy initiatives claim to promote patient safety by taking action against'counterfeit'medicines .

  27. 在假药利益链中,百度可以获得75%的收益。

    Up to75 % of the producers'profits go to pay Baidu 's fees .

  28. 而有时候假药因本身的问题造成了悲剧。

    And in some cases the counterfeits cause tragic problems of their own .

  29. 我国假药现状与识别难点分析

    Analysis of Current Status of Counterfeit Drugs and Difficulties of Identification in China

  30. 现行《药品管理法》中假药定义剖析

    Analysis on Definition of Counterfeit Drugs in the Drug Administration Law of China