
  • 网络counterfeit registered trademark
  1. 本文拟从犯罪构成、犯罪的司法认定等方面探讨我国刑法中规定的假冒注册商标罪,并对立法完善问题进行思考。

    The original is drift through committing a crime constitution , the criminal judical identification and so on , to probe into our criminal law to regulate counterfeit registered trademark crime , moreover to the consummate problem of legislate ponders over .

  2. Trips协议下我国假冒注册商标罪的立法应从以下方面加以完善:将服务商标、类似商品、近似商标侵权行为和反向假冒注册商标行为纳入本罪的保护范围;

    On the basis of Trips , legislative perfection of the crime of shamming registered trademark as follows : bring service trademark , resembling commodity , approximate trademark and opposite shamming into the protection area of the crime ;

  3. 假冒注册商标罪疑难问题探析

    A Study of Problems of the Crime of Counterfeiting Registered Trademarks

  4. 第四部分,假冒注册商标权罪的刑罚适用。

    The fourth section is the penalty to the counterfeiting registered trademark rights crime .

  5. 侵犯注册商标犯罪所带来的利益能够得以实现的关键在于假冒注册商标的商品的售出。

    Realizing the benefits from infringement of registered trademark depends on the selling commodities bearing counterfeit registered trademarks .

  6. 《刑法》规定了“假冒注册商标罪”,但该罪并未包含反向假冒这种行为。

    Chinese " Criminal Law " encompasses the crime trademark counterfeit , but it doesn 't encompass the reverse trademark counterfeit .

  7. 因此,对刑法中销售假冒注册商标的商品罪进行研究有着重要意义。

    Therefore , the study on crime of sell - ing commodities bearing counterfeit registered trademarks has an important theoretical significance .

  8. 对销售假冒注册商标的商品行为人的主观罪过的认定,是颇有争议的问题。

    How to determine the subjective transgression against those commodity dealers ' vendition of counterfeit trademarks is a problem frequently disputed .

  9. 行为人假冒注册商标后又销售该假冒注册商标的商品,以获取非法利润的,属于吸收犯的一种类型,应认定为假冒注册商标罪。

    The perpetrator counterfeited registered trademarks and then sold the counterfeited products , to obtain illegal profits , should be recognized as the crime of counterfeiting registered trademarks .

  10. 假冒注册商标罪的客体是注册商标专用权和注册商标的使用管理制度。

    The objects of the counterfeiting registered trademarks are the exclusive right to exploit the registered trademarks and the management system of the use of the registered trademarks .

  11. 应该扩大假冒注册商标罪的行为范围、增设反向假冒商标罪并将假冒注册服务商标行为明文规定为犯罪。

    Should further improve the relevant rules and regulations concerning the object of trademark protection , the scope of the counterfeit trademark as some other crimes against trademark .

  12. 笔者试以本文对销售假冒注册商标的商品罪存在的问题进行讨论,以追求对本罪立法的完善。

    Therefore the writer tries to discuss on the problems of crime of selling commodities bearing counterfeited registered trademarks in this thesis in order to make further legislative perfection .

  13. 虽然理论界对假冒注册商标罪这一刑法中的传统罪名已有较多研究,但是仍有一些问题缺乏足够的理论论述。

    Although many studies have been done on the crime of counterfeiting registered trademarks which is a traditional crime in criminal law , there are still some problems needing an in-depth discussing .

  14. 尽管立法不断完善,但面对多变复杂的社会经济形势,侵犯商标权犯罪尤其是假冒注册商标犯罪出现了许多新情况、新问题。

    Although the continuous improvement legislation , but face to the changing complex social and economic situation , Criminal trademark infringement , particular crime of counterfeiting registered trademarks show many new situations and new problems .

  15. 商标权是受法律保护的知识产权,销售假冒注册商标的商品是侵犯商标权的行为,行为人须承担相应的法律责任。

    Trademark is protected by the law of intellectual property , sale of counterfeit goods is a registered trademark of the acts of trademark infringement , and the perpetrator must bear the corresponding legal responsibility .

  16. 按照中国现行的刑法的规定,假冒注册商标罪是指未经注册商标所有人许可,在同一种商品上使用与其注册商标相同的商标,情节严重的行为。

    In accordance with the provisions of Chinese criminal law , the crime of counterfeiting registered trademarks means to use the same registered trademark on the same commodity without permission of its due holder , serious behavior .

  17. 本文从介绍商标权概念入手,通过分析网络销售假冒注册商标商品犯罪的特点和成因,论述了这一基于电子商务技术应用和现代物流服务的犯罪给现行司法体系带来的挑战。

    This paper introduces the concept of trademark start by analyzing the network selling counterfeit trademark goods characteristics and causes of crime , discusses the application of this technology based on E - commerce and modern logistics services to the current criminal justice system challenges .

  18. 2003年发生的如皋市印刷机械厂诉如皋市轶德物资有限责任公司隐性反向假冒注册商标纠纷案,是在我国出现的首例商标隐性反向假冒案件。

    The case of implied reverse passing off of registered trademark which happened in 2003 was the first one in the history of China . In that case , Rugao Printing Machinery factory accused Rugao Yide Goods and Material LLC of implied reverse passing off of registered trademark .

  19. 禁止生产、销售假冒他人注册商标的烟草制品。

    The production and sale of tobacco products with counterfeit trade marks shall be forbidden .

  20. 销售明知是假冒他人注册商标的商品;

    Selling any commodity that is evidently using the forged registered trademark of any other party ;

  21. 对假冒他人注册商标的,任何人可以向工商行政管理机关或者检察机关控告和检举。

    Anyone who is aware of any counterfeiting of registered trademarks may file a complaint with or make a report to the relevant administrative department for Industry and commerce or a procuratorial organ .

  22. 经营者违反本条例第六条规定假冒他人注册商标的,商标注册处负责商品和服务商标的注册事宜。

    Where an operator violates the provision in Article Six of the Regulations by forging the trademark of any other party , The Trade Marks Registry is a registry of original registration in respect of both goods and services .

  23. 假冒他人的注册商标;

    Passing off the registered trademarks of others ;

  24. 对于假冒他人的注册商标,构成犯罪的,除赔偿被侵权人的损失外,依法追究刑事责任。

    If the counterfeiting of registered trademarks constitutes a crime , the person who committed the act shall be ordered to compensate the party whose right has been infringed for losses suffered and his criminal responsibility shall be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law .

  25. 论反向假冒商标行为的刑法规制&兼论假冒注册商标罪的立法完善

    Criminal Regulation on the Act of Opposite Shamming Trademark & Legislative Perfection on the Crime of Shamming Registered Trademark