
  • 网络Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
  1. 对照组嗅上皮投射电镜下为典型的假复层柱状上皮,可见微绒毛细胞、支持细胞、嗅细胞、基底细胞,构成良好的三层结构。

    In control group , typical pseudostratified columnar epithelium , composed of three layers , could be seen under shoot electron-microscopy in olfactory mucosa .

  2. 结果:42例鼻前庭囊肿被覆上皮类型中,24例为假复层柱状上皮,5例为复层鳞状上皮,5例为单层立方上皮,8例为其中2种上皮的混合;

    Result : Of these 42 cases of the type of lining epithelia , pseudostratified columnar epithelium was identified in 24 cases , stratified squamous epithelium in five cases , simple cuboidal epithelium in five cases , and two kinds of above mentioned epithelia in eight cases .

  3. 结果显示,胎14周,气管粘膜表面的假复层柱状上皮中已有IAPP-IR细胞(Fig.1&2);

    The results showed that at the 14th week , there existed the IAPP-IR cells in the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium of fetal trachea .

  4. 结果:人睾丸Sertoli和Leydig细胞胞浆、附睾和输精管上皮的主细胞及假复层柱状上皮细胞的胞浆中均有较强的杂交信号;

    Results : The brown granules of hybridized signals distributed in the cytoplasm of Sertoli and Leydig cells of testis , principle cells of epididymis and epithelial cells of vas deferens .

  5. 大多数囊肿直径3~5cm,仅1例最大直径超过10cm。组织学检查5例存在假复层柱状上皮或立方状上皮衬里,6例缺乏上皮衬里。

    The size of most cysts was 3 ~ 5 cm in diameter , A histologic examination revealed that a cystic lining was composed of pseudostratified columnar or cuboidal epithelium in 5 cases and was absent in 6 cases .

  6. 直肠粘膜上皮为假复层柱状上皮,粘膜上皮中散布着较多的杯状细胞,环肌比较发达。

    The rectum mucosa epithelium is pseudostratified columnar epithelium and has many goblet cells .

  7. 输尿管管壁由黏膜、肌层和外膜组成。其上皮为假复层柱状上皮,部分为单层柱状或变移上皮。

    Ureter contains of mucosa , muscularis and adventitia , with epithelium either pseudostratified columnar or transitional epithelium .

  8. 结果显示:小肠黏膜上皮为单层柱状或假复层柱状上皮。

    The results showed that in the small intestine , the mucosal epithelium was single layered or pseudostratified columnar epithelium .

  9. 输尿管位于肾脏后段外缘,其上皮为假复层柱状上皮或移行上皮;

    The ureter lies in outside of the posterior portion of the kidney , with epithelium either pseudostratified or transitional ciliated columnar .

  10. 两中肾管位于两肾叶腹内侧,其上皮间或是假复层柱状上皮,间或是移行上皮。前者含有许多杯状细胞,并可见到顶浆分泌的现象。

    Two mesonephric canals lie in the ventral inner border of the trunk kidney , with epithelium either transitional or pseudostratified ciliated columnar .

  11. 48h后,气管环全部由假复层纤毛柱状上皮细胞覆盖。

    Forty-eight hours later , the tracheal rings were entirely covered by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium .

  12. 结果:在雄性健康大鼠的气管、支气管的假复层柱状纤毛上皮、软骨细胞均有AR的阳性表达,AR特异性免疫组化染色多见于胞浆,也见于胞核。

    Results : AR positive is found in the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium and cartilage cells of the trachea and bronchus , while AR specific mostly in cytoplasm and cell nucleus as well .

  13. AQP4主要表达于大鼠喉黏膜鳞状上皮、假复层柱状纤毛上皮、固有层黏膜腺体及肌细胞膜上。

    AQP4 expresses mainly on squamous epithelial , pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium , laryngeal lamina propria mucous glands and myocyte membrane .

  14. 之后细胞数目逐渐增多,经过扁平、立方形态,向纤毛细胞、黏液细胞、基底细胞等分化,去除5-FU后48h接近恢复假复层纤毛柱状上皮;

    The number of cells on the basement membrane increased gradually after 5-FU was removed , and the squamous and columnar epithelial cells differentiated into ciliated , mucosal , and basal cells . The epithelial cells differentiated into pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelial cells 48 hours after 5-FU was removed .

  15. 鼻咽假复层纤毛柱状上皮核的形态定量学研究

    Morphometric study on the nuclei of pseudostratified columnar epithelium in nasopharynx

  16. 本研究观察复盖猴鼻咽部各部位的上皮,均为假复层纤毛柱状上皮,未见有鳞状上皮。

    Throughout the nasopharynx it is covered by pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium .

  17. 病理检查其结构完整,管腔内为假复层柱状纤毛上皮所覆盖,软骨无变性坏死;

    The inner surface of the autograft was covered with pseudostratified columnar ciliary epithelia , and no necrotic tracheal cartilages were found .

  18. 口腔和食道上皮为假复层纤毛柱状上皮,消化道其它部位的粘膜上皮都为单层纤毛柱状上皮。

    The type of epithelial lining is simple ciliated columnar epithelium , but the mouth and the esophagus are pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium .

  19. 结果实验犬呼吸道通畅、无狭窄及肉芽组织形成,用于修复的肺组织瓣和金属网架表面覆盖有较完整的假复层纤毛柱状上皮。

    Results No stenosis and granulation tissue were observed in the prosthetic lumen , in which there was comparative continuous stratified ciliated columnar epithelium .

  20. 假复层纤毛柱状上皮覆盖的胃重复囊肿是一类罕见的疾病,起源于前肠发育畸形。

    Gastric duplication cyst ( GDC ) lined by pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium ( PCCE ) is an uncommon lesion stemming from a foregut developmental malformation .

  21. 腺泡上皮为不太规则的假复层纤毛柱状上皮,由大量分泌细胞和少量的柱状纤毛细胞、基细胞共同构成;

    The gland epithelium was irregular pseudo-stratified ciliated columnar epithelium which consist a lot of secretory cells , fewer ciliated columnar cells , and basilar cells .

  22. 作者采用图象分析仪检测88例鼻咽小淋巴细胞及其中21例鼻咽假复层纤毛柱状上皮、8例异型增生柱状上皮胞核的多个形态定量学参数。

    Several morphometric parameters of cell nuclei of pseudostratified columnar epithelium and nuclei of small lymphocyte in 88 nasopharyngeal biopsies were measured by means of image analyser .

  23. 鼻窦黏液囊肿内衬上皮与鼻腔大部分黏膜一样均为假复层纤毛柱状上皮,纤毛发达,术后纤毛功能可以恢复,其超微结构与病理特性密切相关。

    The epithelia of both mucocele and nasal mucosa is the same pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium , rich cilium in mucocele and the function of cilium could recover .

  24. 经分析比较后认为:(1)假复层纤毛柱状上皮胞核的面积较小淋巴细胞胞核增大一倍左右,而核形状较偏离圆形;

    By comparison , it was showed that ( 1 ) The mean nuclear area of pseudostratified columnar epithelium cell nuclei was two-fold larger than that of small lymphocytes .

  25. 病理检查见囊腔为异常增生的管腔或腺样结构,壁内被覆假复层纤毛柱状上皮3例,纤毛柱状及立方上皮5例;

    The pathologic findings , the cyst was paraplasmic glandular or bronchiolar structures , cyst wall was lined with ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium in 3 cases and lined by cuboids to columnar epithelium in 5 cases .