
jiǎ jiè zì
  • phonetic loan characters;borrowed character
  1. 试从主观原因角度探讨假借字的产生她获准休病假[事假/产假]。

    A Probe into the Phenomenon of Phonetic Loan Characters from Subjective Perspective She 's been given sick / compassionate / maternity leave .

  2. 假借字不仅是构成商代汉字体系的重要成分,而且是形声字产生的重要物质基础。

    Chinese character of borrowing can be divided into special and general character of borrowing .

  3. 说明假借字的类型有借字和本字一对一的关系、一个本字对应多个借字以及连绵词的假借等。

    The type of the borrowed words illustration includes : one original word corresponding one interchangeability of word , stretch words and so on .

  4. 并试图从音韵学角度阐述肥是会的假借字,进而提出合肥地名来源的一种说法。

    The writer makes an attempt to expound that " fei " is the loan character of " hui " from the angle of phonology and then gives his idea of the true origin of the place name " Hefei " .

  5. 本文否定六书是六种造字法和四种造字法与两种用字法的观点,认为六书的本义是指六种汉字:象形字、指事字、会意字、形声字、转注字和假借字。

    Instead of deeming that they were six or four kinds of word formation and two word using ways , the paper indicates that the six scripts refer to six categories of Chinese Characters : pictograph , self explanatory , associative compounds , phonogram , mutually explanatory and phonetic characters .