
jiǎ sǐ
  • suspended animation;feign death;play dead;asphyxia;thanatosis;play possum
假死 [jiǎ sǐ]
  • (1) [thanatosis;suspended animation;asphyxia]∶其状态的某些方面像休克,特点是所有自主性活动停止,看上去认为是死的姿态

  • (2) [play dead;feign death]∶动物为保护自己,在遇强敌时装死

假死[jiǎ sǐ]
  1. 由于呼吸到了废弃矿井中的泄漏气体,一名前陆军航空队军官陷入了一种假死状态。

    Exposure to a gas leak in an abandoned mine induced a former Army Air Corps officer to lapse into a form of suspended animation .

  2. 与死亡相关的问题有假死、植物人和安乐死,“安乐死”不是“受嘱托杀人”,应尽早立法保护。

    Problems concerning death are suspended animation , vegetable and euthanasia .

  3. 我们应该让这件事发生,即使Tyler回来了并且Damon也假死了。

    Let 's make that happen * even though Tyler is back and Damon 's pretend-dead .

  4. 不只是英国的粉丝在焦急地等待BBC热门剧集《神探夏洛克》揭示福尔摩斯在第二季末的假死之谜。

    It was not just British fans who had been waiting anxiously to find out just how Sherlock Holmes dodged death in the final instalment of the massively popular BBC drama Sherlock .

  5. 与原有的OA系统相比,本系统避免的查询假死现象的出现,且在数据安全性与通信安全性方面有显著改进。有效的提高了企业内部信息共享、信息传递、信息管理的效率。

    Compared with original OA system , the system avoids the query to feign death phenomenon , and the data security and communication security has significantly improved , and this system can enhance the enterprise internal information sharing , information transmission , information management efficiency .

  6. 黛安娜与多迪是假死吗?

    Did Diana and Dodi El Fayad fake their deaths ?

  7. 假死引导时间结束后你不会死亡了。

    You will no longer die when Feign Death is finished channeling .

  8. 又不是人人都有时间来假死一回。

    Not all of us have time to fake our own death .

  9. 所以你用假死来抢占先机

    So you faked your own death to get ahead of them ?

  10. (生物学)处在生物学的休息或者假死的状态。

    ( biology ) in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation .

  11. 那个叫假死婷的,你娃确定你是看了哥所有的评论才回复哥的?

    Justin , do you read an entire comment before replying to it ?

  12. 但是会让你进入假死。

    But it will put you in a stupor .

  13. 假死是受到伤害减少效果移除。

    Damage reduction while feign death removed .

  14. 华生将如何消化自己最好的朋友假死这个事实的?

    And how will John take the news that his best friend faked his own death ?

  15. 是种假死药能大幅度减慢他的呼吸和心跳

    It 's an analogous compound . It 'll slow his breathing and heart rate considerably .

  16. 正确的关于假死状态的说法,并不明确。

    It 's not clear what 's the right or best thing to say about suspended animation .

  17. 过度反应,你假死了一次,接着又这么大摇大摆地活了过来

    Over-reacting ! So you fake your own death and you waltz in here large as bloody life !

  18. 关于梦娜伪造假死并致使艾莉森被捕基本不会受到指控

    There 's little chance of Mona being charged for faking her death and causing Alison 's arrest .

  19. 源码爱好者注:如果设定的端口扫描范围较宽的话,程序可能出现假死。

    Source enthusiasts Note : If you set a wide range of port scan , the program may be suspended animation .

  20. 目的探讨假死状态下大鼠脑组织血管通透性变化及异丙酚对它的影响。

    Objective To explore the changes of permeabilities of rat 's brains and the impact of propofol on it during suspended animation .

  21. 在直面模拟的“临终时刻”后,假死经历有助于人们更加珍惜生命。

    The fake " death experience " apparently helps students appreciate life better after confronting a simulated version of their last moments .

  22. 但是说到假死状态,我们就需要第三种可能了-,既不是死亡也不是生存。

    But thinking about suspended animation suggests that we may actually need a third category , suspended & neither alive nor dead .

  23. 假死:任何击杀会使你的生命恢复到最大值的10%,并且伤害减免现在受到韧性的影响。

    Cheat Death : Any KB now restores you to10 % max health and the damage reduction is now modified by resilience .

  24. 并且实际上,在经过若干时间后,受害者被迫违反他的原始的人格,做出稍微的假死。

    And indeed , after some time the victim is forced in some sort of feign death reflex concerning his original personality .

  25. 由此该算法可以有效地避免假死锁和幻象死锁,避免死锁无法被检测到的情形,降低消息量。

    So this algorithm can avoid false deadlock and phantom deadlock , can avoid undetected deadlock , reduce the number of messages .

  26. 存在于大脑中的,能够支持人格功能的结构,并没有被假死状态所破坏。

    The structures in the brain which would underwrite the ability to engage in P-functioning , they 're not destroyed by suspended animation .

  27. 不.肯定是这样.他就是这么假死的.显然是这样

    No , no , no , no , it 's obvious . That 's how he did it . It 's obvious .

  28. 伪造溺水身亡被认为是最常见的“假死”方式,因为这种情况下找不到尸体似乎听起来比较合理。

    Fake drowning is thought to be the most common method of pseudocide because it makes the absence of a body seem more plausible .

  29. 即使猎人的宠物在怪物的仇恨列表中,“假死”现在也可以正常减少仇恨。

    The hunter ability ," feign death " should now properly reduce threat even when their pet is on the mob 's threat list .

  30. 面向对象数据库死锁检测方法研究以实例描述分布式事务处理、分布查询等。此外本文还详细介绍了分布式死锁检测算法和假死锁以及解决方法。

    RESEARCH OF AN ALGORITHM FOR DETECTING DEADLOCK IN OODBMS BASED ON NESTED TRANSACTION MODEL And then describe distributed Transaction Process and distributed query , etc.