
  • 网络false negative rate
  1. 结果:诊断假阴性率宫颈防癌涂片为90。12%,电子阴道镜检查为0;

    Results : False negative rate of pap smear and colposcopy was90.12 % aed zero respectively .

  2. 检出特异性为100%(27/27),敏感性为86.7%(13/15),前哨淋巴结假阴性率为13.3%(2/15)。

    The specificity was 100 % ( 27 / 27 ), and sensitivity was 86.7 % ( 13 / 15 ), false negative rate was 13.3 % ( 2 / 15 ) .

  3. 2组在确诊率、假阴性率、气胸发生率进行统计学处理,经χ2检验,P值0.05,两者均无显著性差异。

    No differences between two groups in diagnostic accuracy , false-negative rate and pneumothorax rate found .

  4. 结论:临床检查诊断急性前交叉韧带损伤的假阴性率较高,MRI是早期诊断急性前交叉韧带损伤的有效方法。

    Conclusion : The diagnosis of clinical examination in acute anterior cruciate ligament tears has a high false-negative .

  5. 3DDSA的MIP真阳性率94%,假阴性率为6%;

    The same two rates of 3D DSA were 94 % and 6 % respectively ;

  6. CT的真阳性率为73%,假阴性率为27%,敏感性100%。

    The true positive rate of CT was 73 % , the false negative rate was 27 % , and the sensitivity was 100 % .

  7. 这说明ABC-ELISA法敏感性高,并可减少常规ELISA法的假阴性率。

    It shows that the ABC-ELISA can decrease the rate of false negative .

  8. 结果肿瘤组中33例胸水流式细胞DNA异倍体呈阳性,8例呈阴性,假阴性率为19.5%。

    Results In the tumor group , the 33 results of the DNA heteroploid detection were positive and the other 8 ones were negative , the false negative percentage was 19.5 % .

  9. 30例胸水CEA呈阳性,11例呈阴性,假阴性率为26.8%。

    30 results of CEA detection were positive and 11 ones were negative ; the false negative percentage was 26.8 % .

  10. NST无反应型预测价值8%,假阴性率92%。

    The predictive value of negative NST was 8 % , with 92 % false negative rate .

  11. 未着色者128例,也作粘膜活检,检查有无Hp,结果仅有2例浅表性胃炎有Hp感染,染色法的假阴性率1.56%。

    In 128 uncolored patients , only two cases of superficial gastritis proved to be infected with Hp which were also confirmed by biopsy . The false negative rate was 1.56 % .

  12. SLN术中冰冻快速病理诊断准确率98.5%,假阴性率5.4%。

    The false negative rate and accuracy rate of SLN intra-operative frozen section diagnosis were 5.4 % and 98.5 % , respectively .

  13. 根据病理结果,按国外报道的方法计算SLN诊断胃癌淋巴结转移的准确性、敏感性、阴性预测值及假阴性率等。

    The diagnostic accuracy , sensitivity , negative predictive value and false-negative rate were calculated according to definitions previously reported . 3 .

  14. 结果:(1)EUS诊断胰胆疾病的敏感性及准确性均显著高于ERCP,假阴性率较低。

    Results : EUS had higher sensitivity and accuracy and lower false negative rate in the diagnosis of choledochal and pancreatic diseases than those of ERCP .

  15. 结论常规PCR对≤105copy/ml的血清有较高的假阴性率,比FQPCR灵敏度低10~100倍。

    Conclusion For sera with HBV equal or less than 10 5copy / ml , routine PCR shows higher false negative rate than FQ-PCR , its sensitivity is 10 to 100 times less than FQ-PCR .

  16. 未发现SLN无转移而盆腔其余淋巴结存在转移者,SLN对盆腔淋巴转移的预测准确性为100%,假阴性率为0。

    No one had positive pelvic lymph node and negative SLN , The predictive rate was 100 % and the false - negative rate was zero .

  17. 结果58例患者中前哨淋巴结(SLN)检出率为93.1%,准确率为96.3%,假阴性率为5.71%,假阳性率为0;

    Results The sentinel lymph nodes ( SLN ) were found in 54 ( 93.1 % ) of 58 patients with the accuracy being 96.3 % .

  18. 结论:MMSE和延迟记忆测验并联可显著提高痴呆筛检的敏感性,降低假阴性率,减少漏诊,适用于痴呆流行病学调查;

    Conclusion : The parallel connection of MMSE and delay memory test can elevate sensitivity of screening dementia and decrease false negative proportion , so it is important in epidemiologic investigation .

  19. SLN判断结直肠癌区域淋巴结转移状态的准确率为91.7%,灵敏度为50%,阴性预测值为90.9%,假阴性率为8.3%。

    The diagnostic accuracy , sensitivity , negative predictive value and false-negative rate were 91.7 % , 50 % , 90.9 % and 8.3 % , respectively .

  20. 病理检测中连续切片(SS)+免疫组化(IHC)同苏木精(HE)染色的假阴性率分别为7%、23%。

    Pathological examinations false negative rates in serial section ( SS ) + immunohistochemistry ( IHC ) and hematoxylin and eosin ( HE ) staining were 7 % and 23 % respectively .

  21. 触诊双侧颈N0和单侧颈N0的假阴性率分别为28.2%和25.5%。

    The false negative rates of double side neck N 0 and single side neck N 0 by manual palpation were 28.2 % and 25.5 % respectively .

  22. 说明VST的使用对降低NST的假阴性率,唤醒胎儿、缩短监护时间,提高产前胎儿监护质量具有一定的意义。

    Overall , it is showed that VST had some effects on decreasing NST false negative rate , awakening fetus , shortening monitoring time and improving the quality of antepartum fetal monitoring .

  23. 在25例腋窝淋巴结阳性病人中,术中SLN冰冻切片组8例病人SLN阴性,而伴非SLN的淋巴结转移,假阴性率为32%(8/25)。

    In the 25 patients who had axillary lymph node metastasis , 8 cases did not found lymph node metastasis in frozen section , the false negative rate was 32 % ( 8 / 25 ) .

  24. 口腔癌SLNγ探测定位检出率100%。SLN活组织病理检查灵敏度为81.82%(9/11例),准确性为93.94%,假阴性率为18.18%(2/11例),假阳性率为0。

    The sensitivity of SLN gamma detection was 100 % and in biopsy sensitivity was 81.82 % , accuracy was 93.94 % , false positive rate was 0 , and false negative rate was 18.18 % .

  25. CNB费用低廉,同样有利于肿物早期活检。但是组织量少,病理结果假阴性率相对高,易漏诊、诊断不足。

    CNB is low cost , but it gained organization quantity is little , histopathologic findings of the false negative rate is high , easy misdiagnosis , inadequate diagnosis .

  26. 结论IVUS能够较为准确地识别斑块破裂及血栓形成IVUS诊断斑块破裂、血栓的真阳性率为85%,假阴性率为15%,敏感性为85%,特异性67%。

    By comparing the results of IVUS with histopathology , the true positive rate was 85 % and false negative rate was 15 % , the sensitivity and specificity of IVUS were respectively 85 % and 67 % .

  27. 结论18G、20G2组在确诊率、假阴性率、气胸发生率均无显著差异,但18G组的气胸发生率及严重程度均高于20G组。

    Conclusion There are more complicated with pneumothorax and much severe degree in group A than that in group B , but the diagnostic accuracy , false-negative rate and pneumothorax rate are not significantly different between two groups .

  28. 结论冷冻切片诊断甲癌有一定的假阴性率。

    Conclusions Frozen-section diagnosing thyroid cancer has specific false negative .

  29. 但肉眼检测存在较高的假阴性率。

    But the naked eye detection goes with high false negative rate .

  30. 总假阴性率为3.1%;

    The total false negative rate was 3.1 % .