
  • Hypothesis testing;【辩证法】tests for hypothesis
  1. 经济增长、教育扩展与收入分配&两个倒U假说的检验

    Economic Growth , Educational Expansion and Income Distribution : Verification of Two Hypotheses of Inverted-U

  2. IPO抑价与新股非系统风险研究&对市场反馈假说的检验

    Study on IPO Underpricing and New Stocks Non-systemic Risk : A Test for the Hypothesis of Market Feedback

  3. 初婚者与再婚者择偶心理机制之比较&对西方进化心理学初/再婚择偶市场假说的检验

    Comparison between Primary and Secondary Mate Markets in China

  4. 中国新股发行抑价:一个假说的检验

    IPO underpricing in China ── Test of a Hypothesis

  5. 假说的检验是一个历史的辩证的发展过程。

    Hypothesis verification is a historical and discriminational process .

  6. 对情状体假说的检验&中国学生一般过去时的习得

    Testing the Aspect Hypothesis : The Acquisition of the Simple Past by Instructed Chinese Learners of English

  7. 在公司金融研究中,对融资约束假说的检验是一个重要的主题。

    In the study of corporate finance , the financing constraints hypothesis test is an important topic .

  8. 自然科学领域的检验主要是针对假说的检验,而社会科学领域的检验则强调事实检验和价值检验的统一。

    The test in the realm of natural science is mainly aimed at the test of the scientific hypotheses , while that in the realm of social science stresses the unity of the test about the truth and value .

  9. 城市化、城乡差距以及全国居民总体收入差距的变动&收入差距倒U形假说的实证检验

    Urbanization , Urban-Rural Income Gap and Overall Income Inequality in China : An Empirical Test of the Inverse-U Hypothesis

  10. 对FOK的线索熟悉性假说的重新检验

    Examining of fok 's cue - familiarity heuristic

  11. 我国并购浪潮假说的实证检验

    Empirical Test of Merger Waves Hypothesis in China

  12. 中国出口驱动经济增长假说的实证检验

    A Positive Test on Export-Oriented Economic Augment Hypothesis

  13. 论科学假说的实践检验

    Talking about the Practicing Examination of Scientific Hypothesis

  14. 经济增长与环境污染&环境库兹涅茨曲线假说的中国检验

    Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution : An Empirical Test for the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in China

  15. 外国直接投资污染避难所假说的实证检验&以江苏省为例

    An Empirical Test on the Pollution Havens Hypothesis of the Foreign Direct Investment & Evidence from Jiangsu

  16. 因此,现有研究的主要不足在于未对单一国家进行危机假说的计量检验。

    Therefore , the main drawback of existing researches is the lack of the study on a single country .

  17. 中国1959&1961年农业危机的主因:对林毅夫假说的定量检验

    Main Reasons for Chinese Agricultural Crisis in 1959 & 1961 : The Quantitative Test on Linyifu ′ s Hypothesis

  18. 地方保护主义对地区产业结构的影响&理论与实证分析中国出口导向型经济增长假说的实证检验

    Local Protectionism and Regional Specialization : & A Model and Econometric Evidences On the Export-led Growth Hypothesis : The Econometric Evidence from China

  19. 科学假说的实践检验的补充形式是逻辑检验,它凭借自身的优点能够克服实践检验的局限性。

    The complement form of the practicing examination is the logic examination , it with lend the characteristics and advantages of itself and can overcome the limitation of the practicing examination .

  20. 污染天堂假说在中国的检验

    The theory of pollution heaven hypothesis tested in China

  21. 本文紧密结合临床诊断的实际,从逻辑的角度对诊断假说的形成、检验和评价进行了探讨。

    By closely combining with the data of the clinical diagnosis , I discuss how to form , test and evaluate the diagnosis hypotheses with logical methodology .

  22. 不可否认,判决性实验作为科学实验中的一种独特形式,其对假说或理论的检验的可靠性比起普通的科学观察记录更有优势。

    Being not allowed to deny , the reliability of " Crucial experiment " have advantage more comparing with average science observation . It can provide one kind of forceful counterplea for hypothesis .

  23. 对科学假说进行具体的实践检验,一般程序包括思维实践过程、具体实践过程和分析实践结果的过程三个环节。

    The general procedure of the concrete practicing examination includes three links of process that the thinking practicing process , the concrete practicing process and the analysis of the practicing result .

  24. 第四节是文献综述部分。对市场结构和绩效关系的理论和文献进行了概述,重点介绍了传统共谋假说和有效结构假说以及国外研究对两种假说的检验结果。

    Part four introduces two main hypotheses : traditional collusion hypothesis and efficient structure hypothesis .