
  1. GM(1,1)模型的一类性质研究

    Researches the Properties on the GM ( 1,1 ) Model

  2. 对一类性质较弱的函数f(x),通过小波变换的方法判别其与α有关的函数特性,进一步给出其具有单调性的多项式序列逼近,及相应的逼近阶估计。

    In this paper , the characteristics related to a kind of function f ( x ) with weaker quality is judged by wavelet transfrom , its monotone polynomial sequence approximation and approximation order estimate are also given .

  3. 在此基础上,提出模型检验这两类性质的算法,并将其实现为一个针对时段时序逻辑QRDC(quantifiedRDC(restricteddurationcalculus))的检验工具QRDChecker。

    A model checking algorithm is proposed and implemented in a verification tool for QRDC ( quantified RDC ( restricted duration calculus )), which is an interval temporal logic .

  4. 研究人员拒绝提供具有这类性质的歌曲名字,但他们引用了一些诸如“I'mgonnabeatthatpussyup”之类的歌词为例。

    Researchers refused to name which songs would fall into the degrading category , but cited phrases such as " I 'm gonna beat that pussy up " as the kind of lyrics that were being used .

  5. 这是两类性质相反的优化目标函数。

    They belong to the two kinds of properties of target function .

  6. 随机时间剩余寿命的分布类性质

    Properties of ageing distribution classes on the residual life at random time

  7. 两种寿命分布类性质的讨论及非参数检验

    Discussion of Nature and Non-parametric Test against Two Aging Notions

  8. 这三类性质是紧密联系的。

    These three categories of properties are strongly interrelated .

  9. 第一类性质被称做曲面的相关性质。

    Properties of the first kind are called relative properties of the surface .

  10. 连续正奇数的一类性质

    A Kind of Property of Continuous Positive Odd Numbers

  11. 双项目是指在一个项目中包括两类性质不同的子项目,而这两类子项目却是相互依赖的。

    Bi-project combines two types of projects with different nature , but interdependent .

  12. 本文使用部分模型检查的方法来对BNDC类性质进行验证。

    In this article , we use partial model checking technology to validate BNDC-properties .

  13. 图的分数f-因子的一类性质

    A property of the fractional f-factors of graphs

  14. 关于幂等矩阵秩的一类性质

    Properties for Rank of the Power Equal Matrices

  15. 结论:此模型具有特发性癫痫和症状性癫痫两类性质,具有较强的应用价值。

    Conclusion : The models included idiopathic and symptomatic epilepsy , and were well applicable .

  16. 这类性质的购买就让超级高科技保安系统成为了家中必备之物。

    Those kinds of buys make super high-tech security systems throughout the home a necessity .

  17. 大环多胺化合物是一类性质独特的优秀配体,具有良好的金属配位能力。

    Macrocyclic polyamine is a type of unique and excellent ligand for coordinating metal ions .

  18. 针对两类性质不同的假冒伪劣,应分别采取各有侧重的治理思路。

    The thesis gives different countermeasures on how to governance the rural counterfeit and inferior commodity market .

  19. 财政和货泉政策对于我们解决这类性质的通货膨胀也是爱莫能助。

    Fiscal and monetary policies can 't do much to help us deal with this kind of inflation .

  20. 膨胀岩是一类性质极为复杂的岩石,对其判别与分类目前还没有统一的标准和认识。

    As swell rock has more complex qualities , no unified criterion is made in its distinguishing anti classifying .

  21. 任何这类性质的协定都肯定会破坏美、法民间的传统友谊。

    Any agreement of that character would most definitely wreck the traditional friendship between the French and American peoples .

  22. 关于国会在这类性质的问题上的立法权力有一些不同的观点存在。

    Some diversity of opinion has prevailed with regard to the powers of Congress for legislation upon objects of this nature .

  23. 非晶态合金是一类性质优异的合金,尤其是镍基非晶合金,其耐腐蚀性强、非磁性等特性,因此具有广泛应用。

    Amorphous alloys , especially amorphous nickel-base alloys , have very excellent physical and chemical properties as the anti-corrosion and non-magnetism .

  24. 目前,办公自动化系统在国内高校的使用已经相当普遍,但在中职学校这类性质的学校的使用却相对较少。

    Nowadays , the Office Automation System is widely applied in many domestic universities . However , it is less used in vocational schools .

  25. 剩余码是一类性质很好的循环码,大量的文献都对其进行了研究。

    The residue codes are as a special kind of cyclic codes with good properties , which have been studied in a lot of references .

  26. 提出实现森林火灾减灾效益最大,必须在火生态评估的基础上区分两类性质不同的火。

    To accomplish the maximum efficiency in handling forest fires , it is necessary to distinguish two types of fires on the basis of ecological evaluation .

  27. 但由于这些好处的存续期不确定,一般实践中几乎全都将这类性质的支出作为当期费用处理。

    But because of the uncertain duration of the benefits , it is almost universal practice to treat expenditures of this nature as expense of the current period .

  28. 本文介绍了氩离子蚀刻技术处理刚性链和柔性链两类性质不同高聚物材料的试样,并用透射和扫描电子显微镜观察其形态结构。

    The results obtained show that the argon ion etching is a more sample technique tO prepare the sample of polymers for observing morphological structure of electron microscopy .

  29. 赃物犯罪是一类性质较轻的犯罪,但其社会危害性却不可低估,在司法实践中往往与财产犯罪、经济犯罪联系紧密。

    Offense related to booties , whose social harm is not underestimated , is slightly natured and always has close bearing with property offense and economic offense in judicial practice .

  30. 所以,对于所有这类性质的事情,必须有一些非盈利行为,其中政府占大头,慈善占小头。

    So some non-bottom line activity , of which government is a big piece and which philanthropy is a small piece has to come in for all the things of that nature .