
  • 网络sun-like star;sunlike star
  1. 瓦解的类太阳恒星可能在环绕白矮星的轨道上形成一个质量巨大的盘状物。

    The disrupted sunlike star could form a massive disk in orbit around the dwarf .

  2. 开普勒69c围绕一颗类太阳恒星运转,其轨道类似于金星围绕太阳公转的轨道。

    The planet Kepler 69c follows a Venus-like orbit around a sunlike star .

  3. 一项分析推测,三分之一的类太阳恒星,即F,G或K类恒星,将会有类似地球的行星存在。

    One analysis has predicted that one-third of ' sun-like ' stars - stars with the classification F , G or K - will have planets similar to Earth .

  4. 基于HARPS对376颗类太阳恒星的观察,研究小组推断说半数以上的这类恒星都被行星环绕,而且40%这类恒星至少有一颗行星质量比土星小。

    HARPS ' observations of 376 sunlike stars has led the team to conclude not only that more than half of such stars are surrounded by planets , but also that about 40 per cent of them have at least one planet less massive than Saturn .

  5. 库仑耦合效应对类太阳恒星模型的影响

    Influences of Coulomb Coupling Effects to Solar-like Stellar Models

  6. 类太阳活动恒星表面黑子结构的多普勒成像(Ⅰ):技术

    Doppler Imaging of Spot Structure on the Surface of Star With Sun-like Activity (ⅰ): Technique

  7. 通过这些观测数据,我们可以更好的研究低质量恒星的结构演化,构造类太阳振动恒星的结构模型,更好的检验恒星结构演化理论。

    Using these oscillations , we can study the stellar structure and evolution of low mass stars , construct the stellar model and test the stellar evolution theory .