
  • 网络a hydrogen-like atom;hydrogenlike atom
  1. 然后,利用Bopp变换求出了非对易相空间中的类氢原子的哈密顿量。

    Then by using the Bopp shift , we obtain the Hamiltonian of hydrogen-like atom on noncommutative phase space .

  2. 本文采用新的试探波函数,对于关闭在半径为r0球壳内的类氢原子模型,计算了其能量和极化率随球壳半径r0和相应压强的变化规律。

    The energy and polarizability of a model hydrogen-like atom limited in a spherical shell of radius ru are calculated using new trial wave-function . The energy and polarizability are obtained as functions of the radius ru and corresponding pressure p.

  3. DIRAC类氢原子问题的一种简单解法

    A simple solution for the Dirac hydrogenlike atom

  4. 本文用广义Laguerre多项式的母函数表达式,证得文献〔1〕中,计算ρn次幂的类氢原子径向波函数Jd平均值的通式。

    This paper reported that the parent function representation of Laguerre 's generalized multinomial proved the general formula of J d average value of like-ness of hydrogen atmo radial wave function in Literature ( 1 )

  5. 还计算了该系统的斯塔克效应的能级分裂,指出了它不同于类氢原子的诸多特点。

    The features different from hydrogen-like atoms are also briefly discussed .

  6. 类氢原子的强电场电离

    Ionization of Hydrogen like Atoms in a Strong Electric Field

  7. 强光场下类氢原子的电离能谱

    The ionization spectrum of the H-like atom under a strong laser field

  8. 从比耐公式到类氢原子电子的量子化椭圆轨道

    From Binet Equation to Quantize Elliptical Orbit of Electron in Hydrogen-like Atom

  9. 氢原子及类氢原子的双波描述

    Double-Wave Description of a Three-Dimensional Hydrogen Atom and a Three-Dimensional Similar Hydrogen Atom

  10. 高压类氢原子能量与极化率的另一种计算

    A new calculation of energy and polarizability of hydrogen-like atom under high pressure

  11. 光场下类氢原子的多光子共振电离

    Multiphoton resonance ionization for H-like atom in laser field

  12. 在类氢原子基态的动量平均值

    Momentum Mean at the Quasi-hydrogen Atomic Ground State

  13. 激光场中类氢原子的电离本征值

    H-like atom ionization eigenvalue in a laser field

  14. 类氢原子椭圆轨道的动能、势能和能级

    Kinetic and potential energies of the elliptical orbit of the electron in hydrogen atom

  15. 本文研究了非对易相空间中的类氢原子的相对论能级。

    In this thesis , we study the relativistic hydrogen-like atom on noncommutative phase space .

  16. 类氢原子椭圆轨道理论的再探讨

    A Further Investigation about Theory on the Elliptical Orbit of The Electron In Hydrogen-like Atom

  17. 在以往工作基础上对类氢原子体系的薛定谔方程进行了进一步求解。

    Based on the previous works , the Schrdinger equation of the hydrogen-like atom is analytically solved further .

  18. 德拜势中类氢原子能级近似解析式与幂级数求解

    Solution of the level of approximation analytic formula and the solution of power series for hydrogen-like atoms in condition of Debye potential

  19. 我们首先回顾了非对易量子理论以及相对论量子力学中的类氢原子。

    First of all , we review briefly the noncommutative quantum mechanics , as well as the hydrogen-like atom in relativistic quantum mechanics .

  20. 弱时间简谐电场中类氢原子的变分微扰计算Ⅱ:激发态(21±1)和(32±2)

    Variational perturbation calculation for hydrogen-like atoms in the small and time harmonic electric field ⅱ: the excited states ( 21 ± 1 ) and ( 32 ± 2 )

  21. 并利用类氢原子模型计算了它的准能级值,同时利用碰撞机制模型解释了Yb~(3+)离子的这些谱线的产生。

    In chapter four the corresponding values of the novel spectral lines are calculated by quasi - hydrogen atom model and the up-conversion mechanism is explained with collision model .

  22. 本文主要讨论在没有外场的情况下,量子人体的电子自旋对类氢原子的能级和谱线的影响;

    The influence of electronic self spin of quantum human body to the energy grade and spectrum line of sort hydrogen atom under the case without outfield was mainly discussed in this paper .

  23. 在此基础上,利用能量自洽法,求出了相当于二阶修正的德拜势下类氢原子的能级值,并就其计算结果与数值解进行了比较。

    Basic on mentioned above and with the use of energy consistent method the equivalent value of second-order revision in condition of the Debye shielding potential as well be got and the result is compared with the data obtained by the numerical method .

  24. 原子光谱数据是研究原子结构的重要参数,氢及类氢离子是原子物理和量子力学研究的理想体系。

    Atomic spectrum data are important parameters to research atomic structure , hydrogen and hydrogen-like ions are idea system to study atomic physics and quantum mechanics .

  25. 类氢及碱金属原子激发态寿命的半经典计算公式

    Semiclassical formula for the radiative lifetimes of excited states of the hydrogenlike and alkali metal atoms