
  • 网络Formula E;Formula
  1. 这正是电动方程式锦标赛(目前正在举办第二个赛季)来到北京的原因。

    That 's where the Formula E championship , now in its second season , comes in .

  2. FIA电动汽车方程式锦标赛是一项新兴的全球赛事,只接受电动汽车参赛。

    The FIA Formula e championship , a new global racing series with only electric cars , will launch Sept. 13 in Beijing .

  3. 电动方程式赛车锦标赛是国际汽联主席让·托德(JeanTodt)和西班牙商人亚历杭德罗·阿加格(AlejandroAgag)的主意,是2011年想出来的。

    The series was the brainchild of the federation 's president , Jean Todt , and a Spanish businessman , Alejandro Agag , who came up with the idea in 2011 .

  4. 电动方程式赛车锦标赛北京站在2008年的奥运会场奥林匹克公园举行。

    The Beijing ePrix took place in Olympic Park , site of the 2008 Olympics .

  5. 电动方程式赛车锦标赛站还包括美国的迈阿密和加州长滩。最后一站是明年6月在伦敦。

    Stops on the Formula E circuit include Miami and Long Beach , Calif. The final race is in London in June .

  6. 很多人总觉得电动汽车只是糊弄理工宅男的玩意儿,但是你听说过电动汽车方程式锦标赛吗,它可能将在今年九月彻底改变你的老观念。

    The notion that electric cars are just for crunchy hippies might get squashed flat in September & by an electric race car .