
ɡònɡ zhèn lì zi
  • resonant particle
  1. 研究了相对论重离子碰撞中产生的共振物质的统计性质,讨论了共振粒子的化学势和净粒子密度的关系。

    The statistical property is studied for the resonance matter produced in relativistic heavy-ion collision . The relation between chemical potential of the resonant particle and net particle density is discussed .

  2. 强度较大时,则发生分裂。光与物质相互作用的强度与光场大小、光场频率、偶极矩、失谐以及共振粒子浓度等因素有关。

    The interaction intensity was decided by such elements as the laser frequency , laser intensity , the dipole of material , detuning and the concentration of resonance particles .

  3. 磁性光频,是对地球结构共振的粒子带宽。

    The magnetic light frequencies are particle bandwidths of resonance unto earth 's structure .

  4. 共振线附近粒子运动的非线性行为

    Non-linear behaviour of a paticle motion near resonance

  5. 利用我们提出的普遍适用的精确光电离截面公式和介电影响函数研究了原子光电离共振结构受粒子数密度影响的效应。

    The number density effect in photoionization cross section of an isolated resonance has been studied using our accurate expression of photoionization cross section .

  6. 金、银粒子的表面等离子体共振依赖于粒子的间距,表面吸附分子和粒子组装方式。

    Surface plasmon resonance ( SPR ) of the assembled silver nanoparticles depended on the distance between the particles , the adsorption of molecules , and the assembled structure .

  7. 利用多尺度方法分析了共振线附近的粒子运动行为,讨论了系统的主共振、子共振和超共振。

    The main resonance , the sub-harmonic resonance , and the super-harmonic resonance are analyzed by the multi-scale technique .

  8. 理论研究表明:共振频率主要受到粒子核壳半径比调制;此外,外界环境、粒子形状、尺寸大小也会对共振波峰产生影响。

    It has been discovered that the resonance frequency is mainly modulated by the core-shell radius ratio of a particle .

  9. 本文讨论了在腔量子电动力学体系中,多粒子纠缠态的制备以及低温非共振情况下多粒子的干涉效应。

    The preparation of multi-particle entanglement and the multi-particle interference at the situation of low temperature and detuning are discussed for the cavity QED systems .