
  • 网络conformal symmetry
  1. 本文讨论了共形对称性,量子共形对称理论以及相变现象。讨论了二维共形场论中最基本的自由玻色场和费米场,也介绍了玻色化、高斯泛函、SG模型及其简单应用

    An introduction is given to the conformal symmetry , quantum conformal field theory and

  2. 共形对称的K-切触流形

    The Conformally Symmetric K-Contact Manifolds

  3. 求出了具有无迹能量动量张量的静态平面对称标量场产生的静态平面对称度规的通解,并讨论了这种度规的共形性质,对称性和奇异性等。

    The general static plane-symmetric metric yielded by static plane-symmetric scalar fields with traceless energy-momentum tensor has been found . The conformal property , symmetries and singularities are investigated .

  4. 本文研究了Chen引入的一类理想浸入问题。第一章详细研究了实空间形式中的爱因斯坦、共形平坦、半对称和半平形浸入。

    In this paper , we study a kind of ideal immersions which were introduced by Chen . Einstein , conformally flat , semi-symmetric and semi-parallel immersions of a real-space-form are considered in Chapter 1 .