
  • 网络common prosperity;Common wealth;shared prosperity
  1. 消除贫困、改善民生、实现共同富裕是社会主义的本质要求。

    Ending poverty , improving people 's well-being and realizing common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism .

  2. 我们始终坚定人民立场,强调消除贫困、改善民生、实现共同富裕是社会主义的本质要求。

    China upholds the principle of putting people first and emphasizes that ending poverty , improving people 's well-being and realizing common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism .

  3. 到2035年,中部地区现代化经济体系基本建成,基本实现社会主义现代化,共同富裕取得更为明显的实质性进展。

    By 2035 , the region should put in place a modern economic system , basically accomplish socialist and make substantial headway in common prosperity , according to the document .

  4. 我们还要咬定青山不放松,脚踏实地加油干,努力绘就乡村振兴的壮美画卷,朝着共同富裕的目标稳步前行。

    We still need to stay tenacious31 like a bamboo deeply rooted in the rocks , keep our feet on the ground , and work hard to paint a magnificent picture of rural vitalization , and steadily32 march ahead towards the goal of common prosperity .

  5. 罗伯斯庇尔(Robespierre):政府的职能是指导具体的和道德的国家力量朝着最终实现共同富裕发展。

    ROBESPIERRE : The function of government is to direct the physical and moral powers of the nation toward the end for which the commonwealth has come into being .

  6. 论全球性思维与实现共同富裕

    On Global Thought And Realization Of The Common Prosperity Of All

  7. 社会主义的根本目的是实现共同富裕。

    The fundamental goal of socialism is to achieve common prosperity .

  8. 全面建设小康社会与共同富裕是辩证统一的。

    Building all-round well-off society and common prosperity are of unity .

  9. 第三部分:共同富裕思想的发展。

    Thirdly , the development of the thought of common prosperity .

  10. 实现共同富裕的最终价值目标。

    Realize the goal of final value of the common prosperity .

  11. 共同富裕与贫富差距分析研究

    On Common Prosperity and Gap between the Rich and the Poor

  12. 试论共同富裕的认识误区

    Try talking about the understanding mistaken idea of the common prosperity

  13. 三代领导人的共同富裕观

    The Theory of Common Wealth of the Leaders of Three Generations

  14. 三代领导核心与如何实现共同富裕

    Three Generations of Leadership and the Ways to Realize Shared Prosperity

  15. 共同富裕的内在逻辑和实践历程

    On the Inherent Logic and the Practical Course of Common Prosperity

  16. 共同富裕是中国特色社会主义的根本原则。

    This is the fundamental principle of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  17. 关于共同富裕与贫富差距的思考

    About common wealth and polarization between the Rich and the Poor

  18. 没有公平公正何来共同富裕

    How to Realize " Common Prosperity " Without Equality and Justice

  19. 略论先富起来和共同富裕的关系

    Brief Discussion the Relationship between Prior Personal Wealth and Common Wealth

  20. 实现共同富裕:社会主义社会的重要价值

    Realizing Common Affluence as the Important Value of the Socialist Society

  21. 才能最终实现群众利益共享,促进共同富裕。

    Then can realize the benefits share , promote common prosperity .

  22. 非公有制经济与社会主义共同富裕

    The Non - public Economy and the Socialist Common Prosperity

  23. 市场化分配原则与共同富裕

    The Market - oriented Distribution Policy and the Shared Prosperity

  24. 共同富裕与西部大开发战略

    The Strategy of Common Prosperity and the Great Western Development

  25. 共同富裕是社会主义和谐社会的基本价值目标;

    Common prosperity the basic value target of the socialist harmonious society ;

  26. 但是,我们的最终目标是实现共同富裕。

    But the final purpose is to achieve common prosperity .

  27. 实现共同富裕的根本手段是大力发展生产力;

    The methods to realize common prosperity are to develop the productivity ;

  28. 浅析共同富裕与当前的弱势群体现象

    Analyze common prosperity and the current social weak group phenomenon

  29. 历史上,许多思想家对共同富裕进行过描述。

    Historically , many thinkers have described the common prosperity .

  30. 平均主义是共同富裕的对立物,两极分化也是共同富裕的对立物;

    Equalitarianism is the antithesis of common prosperity , so is polarization ;