- isobar;isotone

Isobaric identification is very important in accelerator mass spectrometry measurement .
The energy loss method is depended on the resolution of the detector and the ion energy .
Second , the isobaric identification methods in AMS measurement .
A gas ionization chamber for indentification of isobars in AMS
Methods of Isobaric Identification in AMS Measurements
In order to measure heavy ions with better discriminating isobars , A Bragg detector has been set up for AMS in our lab.
In order to improve the power of isobaric identification in the accelerator mass spectrometric measurements , a new gas detector called gas-filled time-of-flight spectrometric detector has been set up .
Due to the existence of the interferent of the stable isobar Ru and molecules ions , the common Mass spectrometry is also difficult to detect the ~ ( 99 ) Tc with high sensitivity .
Isobaric identification with GF-TOF method is based on the different time of flight caused by the different energy loss . The resolution of GF-TOF is mainly affected by two factors . First , the rises time of current pulse from start and stop detector .
Several methods of isobaric identification in AMS measurements are discussed in this paper . Principles , developments and applications of these methods are also introduced .
The mass yield distribution and the isobaric yield distribution are in good agreement with those calculated from a modified statistical model and corresponding Monte Carlo technique .
The ionization efficiency of the samarium , as well as the ion transmission efficiency and the receive efficiency were researched . The interference of the tail peak that coming from the strong peak was eliminated and the isobars of Sm was not found .